With OH2 down it has me thinking ....

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
When you find a provider you hope to reach out to in the future, do you put her number in your phone or take her number down & put in somewhere safe?


Do you just make a mental note of her name & look her up when the time comes?

With the issues with OH2, it may be safer to keep a few ladies number handy.
Madison of Houston's Avatar
That's what burner numbers are for. And these days, even easier with burner apps, so you don't have to have a whole other physical phone.

Definitely have to keep contact details off-site somehow in case of technical issues!

Also sad to see that OH2 is indeed down for everyone. Hoping they can sort it out soon!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Tele, email etc.
I still send xmas card type stuff to my prior favs.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 03-23-2025, 08:11 PM
Great thread.
There are some apps that hide phone numbers and other things.
Google play Store

Brooke Wilde's Avatar

Also sad to see that OH2 is indeed down for everyone. Hoping they can sort it out soon! Originally Posted by Madison of Houston
I agree. It is a great resource.

Tele, email etc.
I still send xmas card type stuff to my prior favs. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

There are some apps that hide phone numbers and other things.
Google play Store Originally Posted by Busty
Interesting. I can see how some people could certainly put those to use.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
do you put her number in your phone or take her number down & put in somewhere safe? Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
How the hell did that typo get past me?

* Put it somewhere safe.
Namssa's Avatar
Fixed it for you

How the hell did that typo get past me?

* Put it in some where! Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde

If the ladies complete the BIO then they can list all the ways to contact them.

9 hobbies Brooke, I think you should remove that comma between cleaning and sex, make it 8, you do have that large shower.
As old school as this will sound an old Palm Pilot device works well and can be passcode protected. Can they be hacked? Probably, just like a burner phone can. But on a Palm Pilot there was a recessed reset button that when pressed for about 3 seconds would factory reset the device. No Data, no passcode, NOTHING!

But jotting down some lady's information is not a bad idea...

I use OneNote which allows me to copy/paste photos from her profile or website. OneNote can be used across ALL platforms as the files are stored on your onedrive. Any changes made to a file in one device is reflected in the others unless you turn off syncing.

It is NOT illegal to do that and a prosecutor would have a hell of a time proving you made use of her services. One might as why he collects that information but still

A good thing to do is on that burner phone keep all your hobby contacts linked to a burner Gmail account - even use the google note stuff.

Reason for this is say the cops get ahold of the phone and it is pass coded. You get out on bond etc. 1st thing you do is log into THAT account and tell it to DELETE itself. If the cops have not gotten into it, there will be noting in it when they do, if they have gotten into it, the data will be deleted and you can claim they fat fingered something.

an old friend of mine did that on a phone he used for some things we are NOT allowed to talk about. He got bailed out in about 5 hours, 1st thing he did was borrow his friend's phone, did incognito mode, signed into that account and told it to self destruct.

Cops were NOT happy about not finding any contacts on that phone etc... but nothing they can do about it.

it made the prosecutor's job a LOT harder in his case
I never look for the ads of the ladies I have met, I simply contact them to check availability. It's never failed me. I don't need OH2 unless I am in the mood for something new.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
If a slow witted fucktard can't procure what they wants because a single website is down they get what they deserve
Sextion's Avatar
I’m good at remembering numbers. So if I’m not scouting on p411 I pretty much have my “current top 3 “ girls numbers remembered. I don’t care to save any contacts. Girls tend to change numbers regularly at times.
beanocook's Avatar
I typically do my screening on P411 and so if the number isn't available on there, I'll save it on a note on the lady's P411 profile or, once we've made contact, just keep it in my messages / contacts (depending on if I'm planning on seeing them again). I guess, not really a concrete system but it seems to work for me.
Signal, with biometric recognition.

"Signal.... it's not just for hooking up anymore."

- Current Acting SecDef
Italia DiBella's Avatar
Good question Brooke
# Following
I'm curious to know since I always change my private and public numbers
DoubleEagle's Avatar
Good question Brooke
# Following
I'm curious to know since I always change my private and public numbers
Originally Posted by Italia DiBella
I keep all important numbers in an App. But yours is hard to keep track of with all the changes. LOL.