Democrat Bernie Sanders Admits Trump Is Right on Securing The Border. (video)

HoHound's Avatar
ICU 812's Avatar
President Trump and the Republican Party and the American people do not need Senator Saunders to validate the current policy on ecuring and controlling our borders.

Where wss hi on this when the folks pulling then President Biden's strings opened us up to admit anyone from anywhere?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Sanders, actually an independent that sits on the Democrat side, is clearly becoming embarrassed about where the Dims are going.
He has also filed paperwork in Jan 25 related to the 2030 election cycle.
So has he started making campaign statements?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Is there ~anyone~ who disagrees that a country should have controlled borders? Clearly some democrat politicians disagree, but that’s only due to kickbacks from NGOs. They don’t actually think that a country can sustain an unfettered influx of tens of millions of destitute third worlders, but the brown envelopes under the table at Cafe Milano keep them saying they do.