Walmart closes self checkouts

VitaMan's Avatar
Several stores have closed the self checkouts due to theft.

In an effort to save money on employee costs, Walmart has instead lost money installing self checkout.

They should have known customers would not scan all their items.
DoubleEagle's Avatar
Damn, now I have to find another side job.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
I was at Walmart last night, at least 12 self serve lines open & only 2 with actual cashiers. Maybe it's only locations in "urban" areas where they already have a majority of items locked up.
Yes, certain locations. Plus their dividend went up 12%.....sweet.
WalMart is a mirror to view our society, and the view is not always pretty. Rural WalMarts carry firearms and ammunition, not urban and suburban ones. Why? There are far more customers for sporting and self-defense arms in big cities. Urban WalMarts frequently have armed security personnel and surveillance towers in parking lots. Why? Could it be that demographics concentrated in urban areas are more crime prone? Heresy to suggest such prejudice, but WalMart is not on a social justice suicide mission to redistribute wealth.
Lolove's Avatar
Haven't been in a Walmart in a long time , went today 9 cashier lanes no self check out