Democrats Declare March 29 "Tesla Takedown Day," A Global Day of Action

HoHound's Avatar

Will Democrats march and chant peacefully at all 277 US Tesla dealerships on March 29'th? Or will it be fire bombs, molotav cocktails, vandalism, spray paint, and keying vehicles? I know this much: The more violence there is, the more voters they lose.

... And - it will be on camera for all to see.
As well as the FBI/DOJ to review.

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
Democracy and 1st amendment rights
Hope these peaceful protesters have a good day!
Democracy and 1st amendment rights
Hope these peaceful protesters have a good day! Originally Posted by winn dixie
... And so do I. ... ... ...

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
Is somebody taking a poll to see the percentage of libbys doing this?
Schwarzer Ritter's Avatar
Another day of rage? Orwell was more right than he knew but I will put it on my calendar.....carry extra firepower. Yep, on the calendar.
... And - it will be on camera for all to see.
As well as the FBI/DOJ to review.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Like J6?
Schwarzer Ritter's Avatar
This is so much worse than anything that happened on January 6th. The property damage is already higher and the loss to stock holders...but I'm sure that some lefties sold Tesla stock short and made money off the actions of their stooges.

That weight on your neck like a dead albatross. That's your actions on the Star Chamber prosecution of citizens.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Imma predict:

Fiery, but mostly peaceful protests

We'll call it: The Spring of Love '25
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Seems Musk may be suggesting a way to take advantage by rebranding the old IRS building.

Waste Not, Want Not...
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
What if we make March 29th National Coal Rolling day too?

Or is it so many layers of irony that it seems like the movie Inception?!?

Seems Musk may be suggesting a way to take advantage by relabeling the old IRS building.

Waste Not, Want Not... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
500sl's Avatar
Led by Tampon Tim
500sl's Avatar
The weirdos in Austin planted incendiary devices at Tesla. This crap is out of control.
ICU 812's Avatar
Ummmm . . . .So rage against Tesla will become the 2025 stand in for George Floyd for paid rioters in this coming summer?

All-electric vehicles that were to be the savior of our climate . . That is what the progressives will burn down and loot the country for?

Will that issue alone bring the House and Senate back into leftist control in 2026. . . . or will it be due process and thecivil rights of Trende del Aqua (whatever) gang members with previous convictions and outstanding warrents?
ICU 812's Avatar
The weirdos in Austin planted incendiary devices at Tesla. This crap is out of control. Originally Posted by 500sl
I have heard that there is a feature that allows Tesla cars to video the vandalism, so . . .it ought to be easier to nab some of them.