Hunter for governor!

Schwarzer Ritter's Avatar
I've seen it asked, what will the Bidens do for money when Joe is gone? Saw that a couple of years ago but Joe survived. Today, Hunter has a clean record and international contacts including China and Columbia.

Hunter! His own man now!

California asked for it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I hear he's a bit hard up for cash these days, so it's either Governor or MCy Ds.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Still waiting for the fire sale of his paintings
Schwarzer Ritter's Avatar
They would make good kindling.
Precious_b's Avatar
Who cares?
Flip of the coin, I don't care about the countless grifts donny does with his supporters. (Like how many of y'all maggies bought his NFTs and such?) I personally don't care but would show if you care about supporting fearless leader.