I want to hear what's on your bucket list.........updated version

syeira pink's Avatar
So, I will start. The top 2 on my list are some what mild compared to some things I have already experienced.

1. Crosses my mind every time I am out and about and see a Cherry picker....... that would be so freaking exciting 40 ft up in the air looking down and a lucky participant behind me...you see where I am going with this..right? So freaking hott.

2.Please don't come at me for this one. I pull my car over and raise the hood wearing skirt and heels and some random stranger stops to help and on the side of the road over the front of my car we get it onhe leaves and I never know his name. ( the txexp hwy in Dallas )

I mean would you stop to help a hot chic in a black shiny cadillac cts? lol
You are on my bucket list... Love that smile. ;-)
Bobster36's Avatar
Royal Treatment = Simultaneous rimjob and blowjob
Royal Treatment = Simultaneous rimjob and blowjob Originally Posted by Bobster36
Had this more than once and not strictly in the hobby. Everytime I am in Mexico I have this done sometimes many times.

Best I had was 4 women all models in Mexico it was setup through some contacts in the tv industry.

Rim/bj/nipple play/kissing at the same time. It was an somewhat expensive experience, 4-5 hrs. I will say repeating that in todays market would have easily run double or triple what it cost me. I still have recordings.
Bucket list for me.. have a night with p*s Harley Dean and Leana Lovings (not at the same time).
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • Today, 11:29 AM
There was this one time, I was grabbing the railing on the lower observation deck of the Stratosphere in Vegas... Getting pounded from behind by the largest cock I have ever had... overlooking the strip while helicopters did tours flying by in broad daylight.
Relocating to a country where the hobby is legal.
luv2luv's Avatar
My bucket list is small and short. Just one item. I want to fuck a pretty young thing who loves to kiss and fuck as much as I do, and won't let me wear a condom. Simple, huh? Sigh!

Oh, and if you think you might be the solution to my problem, oh please message me. Pretty please....
Pretty simple though I think I am past my prime on this one , a FFM (M being me) threesome but one of the females needs to be someone I know well and have had experience with
Definitely you are top of bucket list!!!!