Fox settles over Dominion lies

HDGristle's Avatar

The parties settled for $787,500,000 — about half of Dominion's original $1.6 billion ask.

The amount "represents vindication and accountability," said Dominion lawyer Justin Nelson. "Lies have consequences."

Dominion CEO John Poulos told reporters, "Fox has admitted to telling lies about Dominion that caused enormous damage to my company, our employees and the customers that we serve. Nothing can ever make up for that. Throughout this process, we have sought accountability," he said. "Truthful reporting in the media is essential to our democracy."
This won't stop the low IQ folks from claiming otherwise but good for Dominion. Fox had to pay out a solid bit of money and admitted that some of what it was spewing wasn't truthful.

How does this settlement make you feel?
bambino's Avatar
chizzy's Avatar
are we running out of shit to throw to stick to the walls?

an article and newsflash from 2023?
are we running out of shit to throw to stick to the walls?

an article and newsflash from 2023? Originally Posted by chizzy
... What else do they have at this point? ...

#### Salty