Feeling the effect of website being down

I am sure many of you have noticed that a well known website OH has been having issues for a few days.
Do providers feel an impact of this? How do you get around this? Post on other websites
That site sucks , and not in a good way
Do providers feel an impact of this? How do you get around this? Post on other websites Originally Posted by J_w_ssss
I'm sure they do. The site is free to use. The options for posting elsewhere then are limited and cost-bearing. I've seen some women post on listcrawler, some post on tryst, privatedelights, p411, rubrankings, etc.

But there really is no other service like OH2. ECCIE is great in it's own way, but is sadly lacking provider ads.

The problem is though I've found those who post on OH2 to have better attitudes and TCB than elsewhere. P411 isn't bad either.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
All providers should be on other sites and Not Put Your Egg's In One Basket!

This is just smart marketing 101