Gents - Do Personal Websites Make a Difference to You?

Madison of Houston's Avatar
Do they? I'm deciding if I need to get another going this time around.

Do they make any difference to you guys? Do they make you take a lady more seriously or more likely to book?

Would you be more inclined to invest in access to a members only area?

Thanks for your input.
Samcro84's Avatar
I will check her website for pics. I prefer to check three sites for pics, reviews and any other information on the ladies posts in OH2. Reviews are probably my preferred information source for updated approved activities.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • Yesterday, 06:51 AM

Great thread Topic

I've noticed the most reviewed women that are considered THE BEST generally don't have websites or fancy photos.
Reviews speaks the loudest.
Don't get me wrong, the high end providers have personal websites and bookers most of the time with that professional look but
I believe it gives more details on her own website when public sites might not allow full nudity or fees.
I do not check personal sites. Create a profile with quality photos, and encourage reviews from your clients. If I am traveling and checking out local talent I put a lot of weight on her multiple reviews by hobbiets who have a long review history.

Your own website will provide a glimpse into what a session will do for you, but you can create the same on most profiles without the cost of creating a website.
Madison of Houston's Avatar
I will check her website for pics. I prefer to check three sites for pics, reviews and any other information on the ladies posts in OH2. Reviews are probably my preferred information source for updated approved activities. Originally Posted by Samcro84
Thank you for weighing in! I also like to find multiple sources on a guy when screening. (Multiple reviews posted, various posts, etc, P411 account.)

So that makes total sense.

With the way things are these days, and P411 limiting what you can even include on your profile, I was thinking somewhere that can answer *all* the questions (rates, session types, etc) might be good to have. I'll keep thinking about it.
Madison of Houston's Avatar
I do not check personal sites. Create a profile with quality photos, and encourage reviews from your clients. If I am traveling and checking out local talent I put a lot of weight on her multiple reviews by hobbiets who have a long review history.

Your own website will provide a glimpse into what a session will do for you, but you can create the same on most profiles without the cost of creating a website. Originally Posted by Fizley
I generally tend to agree. It's an unnecessary cost. However, these days, with the limitations of here and P411, and now OH2 being down (maybe forever? ) and not being able to post ads with more info, I am thinking about to cut down on the number of, "Send more info" messages I've already been getting and at the very least I can always reply, "Check my website for all info."

Hmmmm, I'll keep thinking about it.
I generally tend to agree. It's an unnecessary cost. However, these days, with the limitations of here and P411, and now OH2 being down (maybe forever? ) and not being able to post ads with more info, I am thinking about to cut down on the number of, "Send more info" messages I've already been getting and at the very least I can always reply, "Check my website for all info."

Hmmmm, I'll keep thinking about it. Originally Posted by Madison of Houston

An option could be - you provide a link to your website on the other sites, so that way you dont have to ask multiple questions from the members. And it can be pretty basic , doesnt have to be an elaborate marketing agency type of website. Quite a few options out there for very low prices for basic website stuff compiling. Hope this helps !
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
All of ECG's old clutch of friends all have personal websites.
Current pics, current rose info, screening requirements, contact page, and critical-their travel calendars.

delimex007 is correct, basic works fine.
And yes, post a lookup to that in your sigline here.
To me if a lady has her own personal website with all her information on there then it is easier to get said information and have it be current.

Then on all the other sites she has membership on they need only point people to their personal site for contact info, pricing etc... makes it a LOT easier.
Madison of Houston's Avatar
To me if a lady has her own personal website with all her information on there then it is easier to get said information and have it be current.

Then on all the other sites she has membership on they need only point people to their personal site for contact info, pricing etc... makes it a LOT easier. Originally Posted by GhostRiderYYZ
Thank you for that insight! Y'all are making me want to to do this.

I have web/UX design experience/know how, only thing left I need is get to some nice photos taken since I just came back.
my two cents.....I love reviewing things like your likes and dislikes, etiquette requirements, maybe std menu and just learning a bit about the provider that they can share there. If you want to run specials or anything one off use the adds and then provide the link to your website and say for more info see my site etc. Most important thing i would say is keep it up to date, info, dated photos for sure help with decisions.

As mentioned above, i look a few places before reaching out so more info the better for me.....but i might also be the exception here as i am older and wiser and highly selective.
Madison of Houston's Avatar
.....but i might also be the exception here as i am older and wiser and highly selective. Originally Posted by Harintimate
I am also older and wiser and selective.

Thank you for the input.
Madison of Houston's Avatar
And for those interested in the poll results so far:

Yes 4 20.00%
No 8 40.00%
Not really - but I do look at them and has been a factor in swaying me to see a lady 8 40.00%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 20.

LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
All you have do is read my website and get everythng you need in one place.
Tour Date's
Gfe and other services I offer
And lot of updated photos and screening from my website is easy.
Having A
Website Is The Best Thing A Provider Can Do.

you can put your P411 & TER and other sites links to reviews that are just a click away.