Unfortunately this is something Trump is very good at. Labels, name calling, midnight postsYou obviously don’t recall when your beloved Democrats decided to declare war on Robert Bork. I believe that was the beginning of non civil behavior we are witnessing now. It was a a new low, even for Democrats..
on His sit Truth Social (talk about no free press). The decline has been going on since his 1st term.
(he announced he has been elected 3 times....because of unproven MASSIVE election fraud).
He is the one who has caused politics to become so divisive. Originally Posted by VitaMan
if you say so Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You obviously don’t recall when your beloved Democrats decided to declare war on Robert Bork. I believe that was the beginning of non civil behavior we are witnessing now. It was a a new low, even for Democrats..I was going to say since after Trump became a Republican, but even further to 2008 (as depicted below). Regardless, let us not forget Clarence Thomas and Bret Kavanaugh.
You Democrats can’t stand President Trump because he doesn’t take the Democrats lying, gas lighting, and general political thuggery lying down.
He fights beck. …….and wins. Originally Posted by Jacky S
A female TPUSA Chapter President was violently attacked with a bike lock on Tuesday.
The attacker, who appears to be female, may be a transgender.
According to TPUSA president Charlie Kirk, TPUSA Chapter President Paige Neumann, and her secretary, Grace, were violently assaulted while tabling at the University of Texas at Dallas on Tuesday.
The violentl leftist assaulted Paige and Grace with a metal bike lock before peddling away.
Paige was hit in the head, but she is doing ok.
The TPUSA members filed a police report.
The perp has not been taken into custody yet...
I was going to say since after Trump became a Republican, but even further to 2008 (as depicted below). Regardless, let us not forget Clarence Thomas and Bret Kavanaugh.Absolutely, the left hates Trump so bad that they hate own their country. A lot of people with common sense are starting to see this and they're losing a lot of voters.
The more I think about it though, I think it may root back to JFK, who was starting to fight back against the Deep State, aka Military Industrial Complex, that Eisenhower warned us about.
In short; our own government running a Color Revolution on us by getting us fighting each other instead of solving problems together - all while they run the show in the shadows.
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do