What kind of person here is five starring every liberal thread?

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-27-2025, 07:13 PM
And one starring any conservative thread?

Seems like a petulant yute has slipped into our forums and is engaging in trolling the threads with fake thread ratings?

I know it couldn't be anyone who posts regularly, because it's narcissistic as FUCK, to be as petty to do shit like that?

Think the Bulgarian is back fucking with the forum?
HDGristle's Avatar
It's been going on since late 2021.

Go back about 150-160 pages and you'll see it starts as 1 star on berry's threads and morphs into what you see today later in 2022 with a plethora of 3 star avgs

Bypass had several 5 stars. I miss that guy. He was fun.

Looks like it's going both ways, with liberal threads getting 1's and cons getting 5's as well.

Bam's Epstein thread is 5 star. Your EV thread is 5 star.

My 2025 Steelers thread is a 2 star. Def ain't lib or con. Don't ruffle my feathers none.

Given that, why u fretting?
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-27-2025, 09:46 PM
It's been going on since late 2021.

Go back about 150-160 pages and you'll see it starts as 1 star on berry's threads and morphs into what you see today later in 2022 with a plethora of 3 star avgs

Bypass had several 5 stars. I miss that guy. He was fun.

Looks like it's going both ways, with liberal threads getting 1's and cons getting 5's as well.

Bam's Epstein thread is 5 star. Your EV thread is 5 star.

My 2025 Steelers thread is a 2 star. Def ain't lib or con. Don't ruffle my feathers none.

Given that, why u fretting? Originally Posted by HDGristle
Nah, not fretting, noticing.

Who hovers waiting for our petty conversations to update?

A bot?
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-27-2025, 09:47 PM
An "overseer"?
HDGristle's Avatar
Fretting, hard

It's doesn't appear to be content based, political leaning based, or fake.

Has to involve multiple people with the plethora of 2's and 4's rather than 5's. 1's and 3's.
... Must be Outside Influence.

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
Or prolific local lurkers
bambino's Avatar
And one starring any conservative thread?

Seems like a petulant yute has slipped into our forums and is engaging in trolling the threads with fake thread ratings?

I know it couldn't be anyone who posts regularly, because it's narcissistic as FUCK, to be as petty to do shit like that?

Think the Bulgarian is back fucking with the forum? Originally Posted by Devo
I would say it’s the guy who bumps his own threads for “exposure” and claims he’s winning. It would be that narcissist.
HDGristle's Avatar

For that to be at 4 stars, since it was 5 last night, there needs to be at least 3 ratings. 2 5's and a 1 star would do it.

Are we classifying it as left, right or center?


This one is at 2 stars. Was originally a 1 star. And it's about sports, so nonpartisan. So again, minimum of 3 votes and two 1's and a 5 would do it.

Disingenuous to pretend this is one-sided or based on whether a thread is liberal or conservative.
I don’t even know how to rate threads. Lol
HDGristle's Avatar
I don’t even know how to rate threads. Lol Originally Posted by Charley3
Check near top of the thread where it shows the rating and stars. Click there. Pick between 1 and 5 and hit submit.
I would say it’s the guy who bumps his own threads for “exposure” and claims he’s winning. It would be that narcissist. Originally Posted by bambino
... No doubt.

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
You've left out the false flag theory, Salty.

Where folks 1 star bomb their own threads and claim a conspiracy