Where has everyone gone?

Beau Derierre's Avatar
I wanted to catch up with some old friends. Looks like everyone has retired?
Italia DiBella's Avatar
I noticed a few name & handle changes but most are still here.
Beau Derierre's Avatar
I remember you. Glad to see you are still here.

Starting over after 7 years of absence, will take some time to catch up to speed.
Madison of Houston's Avatar
I remember you. Glad to see you are still here.

Starting over after 7 years of absence, will take some time to catch up to speed. Originally Posted by Beau Derierre
Hey lady! I remember you. I also just came back last week. What a blast from the past.

Looks like things are more quiet than they used to be, and with OH2 down at the moment, which is said.

Anywhos, welcome back and happy hobbying!
4PawgLovers's Avatar
I remember you. Glad to see you are still here.

Starting over after 7 years of absence, will take some time to catch up to speed. Originally Posted by Beau Derierre
Tell me about it. I took a year for myself and man have things changed!
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
Starting over after 7 years of absence, will take some time to catch up to speed. Originally Posted by Beau Derierre
Welcome back, best way to get back in the game would be to update your location, bio and pictures(nipples are allowed). Then engage in conversations in Co-Ed.

I noticed a few name & handle changes but most are still here. Originally Posted by Italia DiBella
Some have moved on to greener pastures but yes the majority are still here.

Good luck
82luke's Avatar
Welcome back!
Beau Derierre's Avatar
You guys are amazing ��
I love seeing familar faces. Yes I need to update everything.
DoubleEagle's Avatar
Welcome back ma’am. Updated info and pics would be nice.
I’m still around since the aspd days. I do remember you. Hope you are well
Beau Derierre's Avatar
Thank y'all for the warm welcome back. Over the weekend I will get everything updated.