Hank Williams, Jr.

KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 10-06-2011, 02:06 PM
ESPN: "We have decided to part ways with Hank Williams, Jr. We appreciate his contributions over the past years," the company said in a statement. "The success of Monday Night Football has always been about the games and that will continue."

Hank Williams, Jr.: “After reading hundreds of e-mails, I have made MY decision. By pulling my opening Oct 3rd, You (ESPN) stepped on the Toes of The First Amendment Freedom of Speech, so therefore Me, My Song, and All My Rowdy Friends are OUT OF HERE. It’s been a great run.”

Who fired who? I'd do a poll if I knew how to do it. I'll have to go with ESPN on this.
BobInKC's Avatar
Someone needs to tell Hank ESPN isn't covered by the first, unless they've joined the government. ESPN knew who he was a long time ago and Hank should be smart enough to know you can't citicize Dear Leader and live to tell about it.

Worse yet has been Hank's apology tour. Just shut the fuck up already.
Muffrider's Avatar
Hank should be smart enough to know you can't citicize Dear Leader and live to tell about it.
Originally Posted by BobInKC
"Dear Leader" includes GW in the case of the Dixie Chicks.
Yes, Hank has every right to say what he said about the Bamster. However, he has to live with the consequences of what he says. In this case, he pissed off ESPN, not known as being very tolerant about the speech of its contributors.
Hank who? The only song I know he sings is "are you ready fo some football?"
Free speech ABSOlUTElY!! He compared Obama an American politician in a democratic society to a man responsible for attempting to destroy a race of people. let's step back for a moment and ponder that before beginning to provide some kind of meaningless excuse for his disgusting attempt at thought.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's HANK WILLIAMS JR! He is a COUNTRY WESTERN SINGER! Who in the hell cares about his views on politics? Why did they have him on the show anyway? And people are SHOCKED that HW Jr said something outrageous? It's a Family Tradition.

If I were ESPN, I'd let it go, but they are free to do what they want, no First Amendment issue here. HW Jr needs to to stick to singing and writing, and leave the political analysis to those with brains, like Bill Maher and Michael Moore. Wait, that didn't work out. But you get my drift.
Miss_Mya's Avatar
I always think it is funny that anytime a "celebrity" gets canned form an endorsement deal or whatever from a company because they express their opinion they want cry foul on their first amendment right. When will they understand that if the company feels that they have done or said something that could embarrass them or cause them problems that they can take action and it is the right of the company to do so without any infringements on their first amendment rights. As some one else mentioned this is not the first time this has happened to a "celebrity" and I am sure it won't be the last.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't hear HWJ moaning and bitching about anything. He made his statement and said no more.

Also HWJ didn't compare Barry with Hitler, he was making a comparison about two people meeting with diametrically opposing viewpoints. He could have easily said Rush Limbaugh and Rosie O'Donnell except they weren't meeting. Hitler just seems to be a go to guy for extreme comparisons.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 10-07-2011, 08:15 AM
I really wanted to see who thought HWJ was the one who decided to leave as opposed to ESPN letting him go. Hank says it was his decision, not ESPN. Had a friend who went to see him at Sandstone many years ago, and he said HWJ was so drunk, he fell off the stage. He's a mess as far as I'm concerned. His political views don't mean squat to me. Everytime someone uses the first amendment as an excuse to spew whatever crap they want to, just shows their ignorance.
You are spoy on. HE is a drunk and has probably destroyed his career with one stupid statement. What an idiot!
I really wanted to see who thought HWJ was the one who decided to leave as opposed to ESPN letting him go. Hank says it was his decision, not ESPN. Had a friend who went to see him at Sandstone many years ago, and he said HWJ was so drunk, he fell off the stage. He's a mess as far as I'm concerned. . Originally Posted by KCJoe
Actually, it came out a few weeks later that he had gone out with some friends of his on the Chiefs at the time - pretty sure Derrick Thomas was one of them - and they'd gotten him shitfaced. He came back and played a few months later and honored tickets from the first show.

That said, I don't look to celebrities for my politics. I doubt that Hank gives a fuck; he's got plenty of cash and his legacy is solid.
dirty dog's Avatar
Hank why do you drink, why do you roll smoke ..........................
to get drunk...to get hiiiiiiii.....lol