Water sports~

I just love my new boi friend.. he is a true sub.. he has even opened me up to some new water sports..
He has been wanting to give me a female douche and well..you know where im going with this~

I find it very sexy that he would want to consume me that way..oh and he loved it when he consumed me when I pd inside him~
Trying to visualize this, pardon my naïveté here but you p'd into exactly where, his mouth? So he consumes your yellow nectar? If I have this all wrong, please help me. Have the feeling I may not the only one.
I simply LOVE this activity! Dripping out into my mouth so i don;t miss a drop! I also love to put my mouth on her and suck it out. Very sterile, intimate and fun for everyone! As long as its not the first pee of the day (and especially if you have jad a few beers or water) it isnt gross at all.
enigma878's Avatar
Carrie, what a lucky sub to find his match. i luv watersports play.

For those who may not know, the Germans are big on using a funnel in the anus and filling someone with urine. Should anyone wish to try this, being healthy is a must.
Mmmmmm tasty!
Its about time. I am not sure why more women aren't open to watersports. If only you were into it the last time you visited Houston!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I think that ladies might be interested in golden showers, etc., but it's so unpopular to put that out there for the mainstream audience that most are concerned to offer it!

Just my thoughts on it. Hint!!!

Interesting topic. I also didn't quite understand the original post. Didn't seem like she was suggesting just drinking urine, which by the way, I'm still a virgin with that whole thing.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Carrie, what a lucky sub to find his match. i luv watersports play.

For those who may not know, the Germans are big on using a funnel in the anus and filling someone with urine. Should anyone wish to try this, being healthy is a must. Originally Posted by enigma878
Could you explain this in more detail? Sounds somewhat unhealthy. But could you start a topic on this? The whole topic of putting some other liqued in the bottom other than warm water/vinegar/cleansing might prove to be one that will get people thinking!

Might be interesting!!!

I have yet to try watersports but they have always caught my eye.
Tsk, tsk too many posts for nobody to have said, "not my cup of tea".
Mojojo's Avatar
I'm not for the receiving end of this but wouldn't oppose giving!
enigma878's Avatar
Well in the simplest of terms, it's a piss enema. The Germans from what i've noticed over the years seem to enjoy it more than most. Basically a funnel is placed in the anus and someone fills it up while pissing much like one would use water for enemas. Urine is basically sterile while leaving the body but there's always a chance of causing infections or even danger if the giver isn't heathy.
Personally, i would never recommend that anyone do this but as for me, i'm not fearful of a problem as long as the person giving is healthy.

Could you explain this in more detail? Sounds somewhat unhealthy. But could you start a topic on this? The whole topic of putting some other liqued in the bottom other than warm water/vinegar/cleansing might prove to be one that will get people thinking!

Might be interesting!!!

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
The Big Kahuna's Avatar
Tsk, tsk too many posts for nobody to have said, "not my cup of tea". Originally Posted by thirtyfour
Now that right there is funny...Don't care who you are!
Mojojo's Avatar
Im curious as to what the ratio of females who like receiving this is. From my reads in this forum seems more like the guys are more receptive.
drinking urine....nawl i have not partaken....but the idea of getting soaked and wetting things up is my turn on. i love squirting...