Semen Health Risk

ericyork's Avatar
I've read many debates between providers and women in general about whether or not swallowing semen poses any danger to your health. I do not know anything from a medical stand point and i'm wondering what the REAL truth is on this subject. Some have said Semen is sterile and therefore is not unhealthy to swallow while others have said disease can be present. Say the latter is true, that disease is possible, what can happen to someone physically? Sickness such as nausea, vomiting, worse?? I've never read any actual articles of anyone experiencing any sickness, contracting HIV or other sexual disease from this activity so i'm curious.
Jannisary's Avatar
Seminal fluid is most definitely NOT sterile. It can carry with it bacteria and viruses. That is how girls can get gonorrhea or other infections in their throats. Now whether their chances of such infections are decreased by not swallowing the seminal fluid is the real question. I've read some arguments that by keeping the fluid in their mouth longer - to go and spit it out, will actually increase the girls' chances of infection of the mouth and throat since the fluid has a longer contact time. This is based on the idea that most viruses and bacteria that cause std's will not survive in the acidic environment of the stomach so a quick swallow might actually be safer than the girl holding it in her mouth in order to spit it out. I wonder if there has been any actually scientific study on the topic though.
Naomi4u's Avatar
You're a very smart man, Jannisary!
Yerassman's Avatar
I agree with jannisary, all you ladies should swollow...
Still Looking's Avatar
The stomach acid would kill most EVERYTHING! If it doesn't, the 4 shots of Tequila they took before deciding to see you will do the trick! LOL

Willen's Avatar
C'mon people. This is a serious subject, not to be made light of.
Still Looking's Avatar
C'mon people. This is a serious subject, not to be made light of. Originally Posted by Willen
Well what say you on the subject? Shit I'm only a doctor, what do I know? Can't wait to hear your spin on this one!
I've read that it's basically like swallowing someone's blood because of the pathogens that can be present. I could imagine the risk of contracting something would be greater if the person had bleeding gums. Other than that I'd imagine the risks are the same as for barebacking it. Reading around some say it can upset pH balance and causes nausea in some.

On the plus side I hear it's a good source of protein

o a quick swallow might actually be safer than the girl holding it in her mouth in order to spit it out. I wonder if there has been any actually scientific study on the topic though. Originally Posted by Jannisary
o good im safe lol
Naomi4u's Avatar
I ain't swallowing anyone's Jiz.
rachet3375's Avatar
So we can take that as a NQBS?
Still Looking's Avatar
Seminal fluid is most definitely NOT sterile. It can carry with it bacteria and viruses. That is how girls can get gonorrhea or other infections in their throats. Now whether their chances of such infections are decreased by not swallowing the seminal fluid is the real question. I've read some arguments that by keeping the fluid in their mouth longer - to go and spit it out, will actually increase the girls' chances of infection of the mouth and throat since the fluid has a longer contact time. This is based on the idea that most viruses and bacteria that cause std's will not survive in the acidic environment of the stomach so a quick swallow might actually be safer than the girl holding it in her mouth in order to spit it out. I wonder if there has been any actually scientific study on the topic though. Originally Posted by Jannisary
I have done an exhaustive study over the years! Here is what I came up with! I like CIM. Swallow, spit out, feed the cat or mail it to a friend, I could care less what you do with it! I have had providers swallow countless times and I have never got sick or caught anything! I guess I’m just lucky! LOL
Well I can tell you if I was getting sick from it all the time I wouldn't still be offering it.
Still Looking's Avatar
Well I can tell you if I was getting sick from it all the time I wouldn't still be offering it. Originally Posted by Shayla
I'd say that was proof enough!!!