old threads

It would be nice to automatically close threads that are over the desireable age for making comments, or display a message that it is an old thread and confirm if you really want to add the response. I must admit at times I am just browsing through various threads and I am really not thinking about the age. This should be a fairly straight forward update that could save the trouble of having to manually close threads along with the bashing of those who make such comments. When I get bashed, it really is just asking to start some more drama. Lol

You are not a newbie. You have been around several months, and I feel pretty confident that you know the rules.

Bumping of reviews over 30 days old is not permitted... whether you adore or abhor the provider - no excuses for bumping the review.

Hey I said I was wrong. This was just a suggestion in attempt to help prevent some extra effort that the computer could prevent. I guess you are perfect and never make and error. Are we not suppose to make what I thought was a very reasonable suggestion>
"Member Suggestions and Feedback
This site is being designed around our membership. Please share your feedback and give suggestions. (For staff assistance, contact your local moderator, or see the "Emails to the Staff" post in the Questions for the Staff forum in each city)." This is exactly what I was trying to do.
chrissy's Avatar
I would love that feature, Having a thread dater icon I mean..A lot of guys seem to wait until the 29th day and bring their atf's nearly month old review/ thread or even a bad post up, either to help or hurt ones they mean to, who knows why they don't follow the rules. I know a lot of ladies would appreciate it though!
What Chrissy said..yea
Duke of G's Avatar
A key point is that members shouldn't jump in and "bash" a member for an old bump. An RTM is plenty. No need for folks to get all up in arms.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Its a good sugestion and one that has been discussed several times before. But mass closing of threads/reviews simply ain't gonna happen. Everyone knows the rules (or should, as you agreed to follow them when you signed up for membership here) and we expect everyone to follow them. When you don't, thats when you will hear from your favorite local moderator. We deal with issues like this one on one, as needed and will continue to do so.
chrissy's Avatar
and your doing your part Chica Chaser..you can "infra-ct" me anytime..lol..and I'm sure some forget the rules as they have been members for a couple years..maybe everyone needs to refresh memories every year and re-read the guidelines..Another note: I did notice no More D-town on your location tag? Say it ain't so I haven't made it back there yet!
I'm sure some forget the rules as they have been members for a couple years..maybe everyone needs to refresh memories every year and re-read the guidelines.. Originally Posted by chrissy
Newbies keep the rules fresh in our heads (as do the punctuation bees) but some forget where they are at.

A key point is that members shouldn't jump in and "bash" a member . No need for folks to get all up in arms. Originally Posted by Duke of G
Duke has a good point about bashing a new member and getting up in arms.

Maybe Newbies (people with less than 20 post and 3 months) should not be allowed to post in areas as reviews unless it is their review.
johnnybax's Avatar
It would be nice to automatically close threads that are over the desireable age for making comments, or display a message that it is an old thread and confirm if you really want to add the response. I must admit at times I am just browsing through various threads and I am really not thinking about the age. This should be a fairly straight forward update that could save the trouble of having to manually close threads along with the bashing of those who make such comments. When I get bashed, it really is just asking to start some more drama. Lol Originally Posted by Jim.Electron
The rule only refers to Reviews. Discussion threads can go on and on.