Time for camel toe pictures

I have seen a bunch of assets , what about camel toe?
come on dallas...
YEA!!! I hope this thread has as long and exciting run as the assets thread.
My favorite

definitely like that....
DallasRain's Avatar
Maybe some folks remember the pnstriped jeans from the 1980s. There was a certain slack style that all of the girls and young women wore. Thes made an exquisite camel toe, both frontal and when bent over. I wish these pants would come back. let's not forget the "roper" jeans for the cowgirl, awsome CT also!

Here is a nice Nicole Kidman CT
setman's Avatar
Setty has never seen a camel toe he didnt like.

Enjoy yourself.

Stay safe.

Be cool.

Wher are the ECCIE LADIES? Grace us with yor camel toe pictures.
PAPA JOE's Avatar

smokin' !
I thought dallas would do us one...hmmmmm.
your camel toe dallas. I changed my profile picture but its as close as i can get to camel toe...
Still Looking's Avatar
This is where the expression "I'll Take Two!" came from!
Anita, that will do nicely. I Like.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Boooo for the "say no to camel toe" clothing. It is un American.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Boooo for the "say no to camel toe" clothing. It is un American. Originally Posted by Bull149