Listen up numb nuts! You're being watched!

Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
A couple weeks ago I was enjoying drinks with some friends I've known since HS.
The subject of my activities came up(I don't recall) and one of my friends asked me if I was a member of this site.
Dumbfounded I confirmed then I asked how he knew expecting him to be a hobbyist also.
He said no but he knows as his job is in the IT dept. of the company he works for. And he sees all the shit you retards are browsing.
So unless you want your employer finding out your dirty little secrets I suggest purchasing a smart phone with an unlimited data plan.
Another friend also in the same field was telling me that his company alerted and cooperated with authorities at another branch out of state for catching an employee browsing pornography of an "illegal" nature.
Use some common sense guys!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-14-2011, 11:24 AM
Using your work computer is as bad or worse than using your home phone if you're married. just don't.
anaximander's Avatar
Uh yeah hello.
Surfing from a work pc?
Hell just use your wifes phone
while you're at it.
I'm a pretty naive boy, but I was taught a few things very young:
A) Ask me no questions and I will tell you no Lies. A solid maxim to live by.
B) Own a "cold" gun.
C) Similar to to (B), own a pre-paid cell phone.

I didn't need to be told not to look at porn or hobby websites from employer computers and telephones, it just seemed like common sense.
burkalini's Avatar
Shit I guess we can't jack off at work anymore. Fuck what is this country coming to?
pyramider's Avatar
Fuck that.... Speak for yourself . . .
  • Taint
  • 10-14-2011, 04:33 PM
Isn't that why offices and bathroom stalls have doors?
He's not saying you cant wank on your willy but stay off the computer when browing certain sites...Now you can go play with yourself, let me help you with that. I wanna see what your playing with.
Budman's Avatar
So what was your friends reaction when you told him you were "Out of Bounds"? How did he know you were a member here unless you work at the same company and you were browsing Eccie on your work computer?
whtdfck's Avatar
What lenghts we go to and risks we take to indulge in something that this society says is bad, Why are we so afraid of everything! I for one am going to jump off if I cant get off!
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Budman, we don't work at the same place. He's a life long friend since we were in grade school.
I don't browse SHMB's at work. I have a smartphone with unlimited data plan.
He doesn't know my handle.
But he is aware of my hobbying and "tastes".
He is fine with this also.
A true friend.
But no he's not a member. Just see's knuckleheads visiting here and other sites.
pickupkid's Avatar
Hey out of bounds......your data phone can be monitered too best get a hobby phone
TexTushHog's Avatar
It's always a good idea to own the company that you work for. That's what I do to avoid this problem.
oesman's Avatar
It's always a good idea to own the company that you work for. That's what I do to avoid this problem. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Until someone smart that works for you blackmails you . I'm paranoid around all people I employ and work with since they're technical (tech industry) and most of them are reasonably sharp. Of course it's different with those that are my oldest/closest colleagues and friends. We have so much dirt on each other (in a I've saved ur ass kind of way) that it's pretty mutually destructive with my oldest buddies if we ever did part ways.

For the paranoid I recommend VPN when not at a safe location or just RDP to a safe box. However if your computer was not setup by you and someone else has physical access to it you may get key logged. Bring a laptop and VPN from that.
The G.O.A.T's Avatar
So when is you friend gonna join the hobby, OOB? We need to enlighten him..