"‘Where is a hedonist to look for heroes?’ Needless to say, not in your neighborhood house of worship. One might consider Charlie Sheen, without the misogynic aggression of course, but there is another. A Greek philosopher whose name has become synonymous with the life of pleasure—especially sensual pleasures, and above all those of a gourmet: Epicurus. Now Epicurus, a 3rd century BCE Athenian, is not commonly ranked in the first tier of philosophers; indeed, for much of the Christian era, he has been condemned as a pig and a sex-maniac (an original hobbyist? lol). A 12th-century bishop once wrote that ‘the world is filled with Epicureans for the simple reason that in its great multitude of men there are few who are not slaves to lust.’ Attacks on Epicurus were also common during his lifetime. One disgruntled ex-follower said that Epicurus vomited twice a day from over-eating, and engaged in ‘notorious midnight philosophizings’ in his garden with four women called Hedeia (‘Sweety-Pie’), Erotion (‘Lovie’), Nikidion (‘Little Victory’) and Mammarion (‘Big Tits’)." This would assuredly qualify him as a hedonist's hero!
And as Musman so often reminds us:
“The art of life lies in taking pleasures as they pass, and the keenest pleasures are not intellectual, nor are they always moral.” ~ Aristippus
Came across this amusing train of thought while I was Googling 'Aristippus', and thought I'd share.