
Ramos's Avatar
  • Ramos
  • 10-16-2011, 10:37 PM
Any suggestions for those of us who have a touch of ED, 70ish, on heavy duty BP meds, and use of viagra or cialis is contraindicated? Check one and explain.

1. Put it out to pasture &

2. Get your affairs in order

3. Vacuum apparatus

4. Over the counter herbs

5. Yohimbe

6. I heard there is an OTC called " Hard "... any good?

7. Reminisce a lot (my favorite was when I was 48, Spent six months living with a 18 year old girl from Acapulco, God, she was so freaking hot!!! The only thing I didn't like about her was her spitting on my carpet after a BJ)

8. Paparavine..Anyone here ever try it?

9. Drink yourself into oblivion and forget about the 18 year old.

10. That ships gone out to sea and you ain't never gonna see it again.

11. You senile old coot, check into a nursing home!!

PS who's the oldest on this forum? I'm 70
Mossman's Avatar
Good luck, buddy! I guess you can always fall back on those words of wisdom. "You may be too old to cut the mustard, but you can always lick the jar".
I knew someone who used a vacuum, this is the part that was a little weird to hear though, but as he used it it would make him urinate in the tube during the process. Once the deed was successful he'd then empty it rinse it (I'm assuming), then clean himself and the date was a success. Lol. He was a little younger. The ten minute prep did in fact help with everything and he was able to have fun. Completely. I do know that him doing all of this in front of her was kind of a turn off for her. But he asked before hand if he could she said yes, not knowing she would see the extra stuff. Lol. So I'd advise to do in bathroom first. Lol.
Go to your urologist and ask about implants
Ramos's Avatar
  • Ramos
  • 10-17-2011, 09:09 AM
Yeah Mossman, licking the jar is fun. I do the same with jugs.

ExoticEzra. So after the vacuum apparatus is removed how does it stay up? Cock ring?

Nikki, Thanks, had forgotten all about penile implants. They are tried and true. They've been around since the 70's. I knew an old codger up in Minneapolis who had one and he was so proud of it. The pump was in the scrotum and he would pump the thing up for anyone who asked him. Wonder if medicare covers this.....

If I could find a doctor to prescribe it, I would like to give Paparavine a try. I know it's tricky stuff tho. I knew a guy down in the Valley who got some in Mexico and just guessed at the dose and ended up with an erection that lasted 8 hours and had to go to the ER and had to have surgery to return to flaccid state. Desyril, the anti-depressant is reported to make ya horny too.
Altbier's Avatar
Have a detailed and frank discussion with your urologist OR try 2 first then any or all 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9.
Oh yes!!! I asked her, he did in fact keep it up with a ring. She said everything was a success and all was very simple. I'm assuming try that before surgery that requires going under.
Ramos's Avatar
  • Ramos
  • 10-18-2011, 07:48 AM
Thanks for taking the time to follow up on my query, Exoticezra. I'm checking it out now at the Mayo Clinic Site.

I have an appointment with my cardio guy this week and I'm gonna ask about it and/or a
referral to a urologist.

If I get one of these I'll be in touch..OK?
Sounds good!! Good luck to you!!!!
Doglegg's Avatar
Definitely go with the vac pump before the sac pump.

The sac pump is very uncomfortable when it fights for room, makes riding a standard bicycle or exercise cycle impossible to ride, and has a tendency to self pump.

Riding a motorcycle definitely gives me a boner.

Additionally, when a young lady goes to get a little sac time, they are invariably surprised by the extra junk in the trunk.

LOSS OF LENGTH!!! Wasn't the biggest before, definitely out of the competition now.
That is the singular greatest disappointment. Although Liki did her best to alay my embarrassment. Thank you ma'am.

The vac increases length and girth by maximizing blood flow into the penis, a cock ring acts as the valve to stay hard. Yes, release the cock and re-pump at least once during a four hour session.

Up side, I don't have to go to the ER for erections lasting more than four hours, I am adjustable to the lady and orifice in use at the time.

Vac before sac.

.02. Dogg
Ramos's Avatar
  • Ramos
  • 10-19-2011, 08:41 AM
Thanks for the review of pumps vs vacuums.
Very good of you to share your experience and it's appreciated.
This sheds much more light on the subject.
I'm going to see my cardiologist tomorrow and see what he has to
say. I'll ask him to give me the name of a good urologist here in town.
I'm thinking I'll go with the vacuum apparatus. But I want to get something that really
works and is medically approved. Don't want to mess "willy" up
more then he is.
I've been doing some reading on this and see there
is a type of compression (cock) ring that allows ejaculate to flow thru, rather then
having a retrograde ejaculation into the bladder. Don't understand how that might work but it
sounds preferable.
I know several men who use papaverine. You try it out in the doc's office first to see how long the erection lasts and then adjust the dose accordingly. Often referred to as a 'stinger' - it will make your willy harder than he ever thought about being before - I think it makes him a bit bigger.
Ramos's Avatar
  • Ramos
  • 10-19-2011, 02:10 PM
Paparavine going to be one of the options I ask about this week. After hearing about the vacuum pump I kinda just want to find out if Paparavine is available as a last resort, if I should need a last resort. I know it can be dangerous if
not used correctly. But if definitely works. My friend down in the Valley
swore by it . Except for the first time he used it, and wound up in the hospital, it never
failed him. The first time he used it he didn't know the right dose and just guessed.
The next morning he called me up and he still had an erection. This was six or seven
hours, after dosing. He finally went to the ER and they told him he was close to losing
his penis. But he did OK. Geeze, just happned to think, he was the same age I am now, when
that happened to him.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Rize 2 works well, if you don't mind the side effects (stuffiness/congestion, headaches, head of each varies with every use). Used to be stronger until the company got strong-armed into watering it down, much like anything else that works too well. Even after the fact, it still works well.

Even with 'assistance', it only works as well as your exercise and diet routine allows. If you're a fast food eating, slouching slacker, your sex life is most likely going to pay the price. If you eat pretty good and have a remotely active lifestyle you won't need any help half the time.
Doglegg's Avatar
Tried the pills, even the one stuffed into the urethra.

That hurt like bloody hell, so much so that has been the only hard-on I never enjoyed.

I could not even consider an injection, even if it was just a little prick. Pun intended.

The absolute best thing about all of the above choices over an implant, none are permanent.

After an implant there are no other alternatives. It is the last resort.