Boob tats

Ok I am I boob man love all shape and sizes. But I'm seeing a lot of ink on tits. I like tattoos just not on boobs.So why are weman putting tattoos there.
  • J.D.
  • 10-17-2011, 06:55 PM
i have to say i have a tattoo on my left side of my chest, and it really really hurt not even that big but so unproffessional wish i would have thought about it a little more. Although the tattoo didn't change the size or shape of my boob, mabe your letting the ink get to your good time????
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Tit tattoos and neck tattoos are out for me. Personally, I think they are trashy. Other tattoos can be very sexy.
  • Laz
  • 10-17-2011, 07:47 PM
I don't like tatoos in general but on womans breast definitely NO.
BigBaldBlk's Avatar
If you're motorboatin', you don't have time to notice ink

` Originally Posted by J.D.
J.D. - I must say I am in total agreement!! Well said. I look forward to your next contribution.
Why ruin one of the most perfect things ever created, the female body. A few small tats in certain areas are ok but never on the BOOBS.
gimme_that's Avatar
In certain cities pimps brand their chicks with a symbol, name, or tattoo above their breast so others sare aware of their stable. I'm not a fan of breasts tats.......but its wouldn't matter much if I knew about it before hand.
Still Looking's Avatar
They need to be VERY small. And they can only say two things: Left & Right. This way we can keep track of which one has been serviced. Most gals breast are almost the same size so this is very helpful.

I seem to remember a gal who had a B on one side and a D on the other. She entered a wet T Shirt contest and got FIRST & THIRD! LOL
I tattooed a girls breast a few years ago. she wanted a sunburst coming off her aerolea. It was one of he more difficult pieces i've done, everything was squishy. Anyhow, I like ink, especially on very large breasts.
I have sensitive breasts. I had the nipples pierced and they never healed so I took out the jewelry.

Getting a tattoo on my back was painful enough. I must have chased off a lot of business with my screams.
Not a tattoo fan, but breast are works of art all by themselves and do not need any extra adornments.
No... Not a fan. That would just look weird IMO.
I have initials on my right breast. It was a young infatuation. I'd tell you where he got MY initials tattooed, but you men would all start squirming. Would I change it or not have it done? No. I like having the initials there. It reminds of where I've been and how I got where I am.