Top Mature Providers ECCIE

Fine_Wine's Avatar
Anyone have a mature provider they consider the best on ECCIE. Any and all locations welcome.
London Rayne's Avatar
Try the SA forums in TEXAS! This is not the place for an ISO. You will find a ton of "mature" ladies there I am sure. Reviews will tell you if they offer such a service.
Try the SA forums in TEXAS! This is not the place for an ISO. You will find a ton of "mature" ladies there I am sure. Reviews will tell you if they offer such a service. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Gee London, did you ever consider of being a mod in your own forum??
London Rayne's Avatar
Mature Companion's Avatar
Nice handle!
Given that your new to the board as of today and from Dallas.
If you look in the Dallas section and post in their ISO forum. You'll find a wonderful range of beautiful mature women.
Some may respond to your *activities request* some may not. Best to search the reviews & Ads or post in the ISO, that your seeking a Mature woman.

Good luck. Hobby safely & wisely. And enjoy the journey.

client looking for mature providers with GFE service. BBBJTCIM a + Originally Posted by Fine_Wine
London Rayne's Avatar
Ok, so in 3 minutes this guy edits his post, his location, and the title of this thread? Funny indeed. How can you forget where you live lol.
Mature Companion's Avatar
I don't see what the issue is. Perhaps he travels and perhaps he'd like to meet ladies outside of Dallas.
He's new. And there's nothing wrong with him posting here and editing his post as he saw fit.

There's simply no need for you to rude to him about it.

Ok, so in 3 minutes this guy edits his post, his location, and the title of this thread? Funny indeed. How can you forget where you live lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Lets run with the thread as is....HOT Mature ladies

I will hold back my favs to see who's name comes up.
simpleton's Avatar
The best advice I could give is look at the age in their profile and add 10 years. Then you would be able to find the mature provider your looking for. How mature are you looking for? 60+
simpleton's Avatar
How can you forget where you live lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Try drinking a bottle of patron.
adult146's Avatar
Since OP specified anywhere it strike me as an appropriate national topic.
Here is one of my favorites in Tulsa, OK
London Rayne's Avatar
I don't see what the issue is. Perhaps he travels and perhaps he'd like to meet ladies outside of Dallas.
He's new. And there's nothing wrong with him posting here and editing his post as he saw fit.

There's simply no need for you to rude to him about it. Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
Oh good lord woman. He edited his LOCATION from SA to Dallas in 2 minutes, and at first it did not say "Top Mature Eccie Providers" nor did it say "anywhere." It said "anyone know "A" provider who offers xyz, making it an ISO, not a thread for National...his edit made it as such AFTER I responded. You quoted the original post, but he changed the thread title as well.

I was being facetious, not rude and until you become my mother perhaps you should take your own advice. Stick to the stupid PMs you send me or go pound the RTM.

To stay on topic...Julinka of New Orleans, Dallas Rain, MAX, Dannie who is in Texas I believe, NaughtyNatale of St. Louis, AngelOK, Junestx, just to name a few. Oh, and Bobbi Sims.
Fine_Wine's Avatar
Not that it needs explaining London Rayne, I did change both only b/c i live in SA but i'd be more interested in seeing providers in Dallas if anyone had a local opinion. It doesn't matter what city anyway since like Adult146 said I was not limiting my post to just one specific area but interested in discussing providers ANYWHERE as my Original Post said.
London Rayne's Avatar
Not a problem dude, and I was not meaning to be rude to you. Your first post and thread title were a bit of an ISO, so I responded accordingly. Happy hunting.
Fine_Wine's Avatar
No offense taken. Thanx.