I dont provide any uncovered services because I feel like it would be a risk to my health. As far as Ive heard when i talk to my doctors etc, STDs can be contracted through unprotected bjs.
Originally Posted by Sexy coffee
Did your doctor say anything remotely similar about daty and kissing? In some of your other reviews daty, and kissing are on your menu. Unless those guys were using dental dams for daty, or wearing face masks that was uncovered oral. Same risks. So why is one more acceptable for you over the other.....business right?
Its impossible to get 100% authentic paperwork (to prove they are clean). Is this a valid concern?
Originally Posted by Sexy coffee
Just hypothetically, if a hobbyist provided this to you would you be open to providing BBBJ service if the paperwork was sufficient? They are not that hard to get if reputable. I had to provide one to an HDH provider once and it wasn't too much of an inconvience for me at the time.
I especially get scared in baton rouge since it has the second highest HIV rate in the USA.
Originally Posted by Sexy coffee
Are you talking about second highest rate city for hiv registers in the USA? I find that surprising, I'm fairly sure Atlanta is close to the top of that list as well. I know at one point less than two years ago in North Carolina they said 50 percent of the black populous there was affected with HIV, Aids, or herpes. They also say nationally 1 in 4 have herpes and aren't aware of it. All scary statistics.......
...........I lose business. I mean what do I do?..............and for those providers who have 50 and 100 reviews of all bbbj, do you ever fear risking your health?
Originally Posted by Sexy coffee
Short answer to your first question from an opurtune hobbyist on the fence about seeing you would be to provide BBBJ, but if your heart isn't in it or your are uncomfortable with it.....it will suck anyway(no pun intended). So stick with what makes you comfortable. Or do market research yourself and offer it for a small time and see if the monetary benefits change?
Well another way of referring to the providers (who have not changed names) who do BBBJ.....if they provide this and not one of their clients has reported they contracted anything I guess that sums it up. But not really. Even when guys have reported in the past certain providers were unhealthy it has been erased, and stricken from being dicussed on board. Its passed more backchannel where not many see or hear it.
Now with ladies that do CBJ only....well we just wouldn't know if she did in fact have something that would show as unsafe orally....although of course herpes can still be contracted from oral covered cbj. All it takes is contact......and sometimes visual signs of herpes aren't always there, as they can clear up with medications and flare up at other times. So hopefully it shows during visual inspection.......they seem to be more internally inflamed for female affected by it........so turn the light on an c'mon lol.
Some even believe.....well sheed if she's using a condom for a bj.......maybe she has something already and she not telling me and trying her best not to spread orally. Because that would really affect business......