Gentlemen? Would you do business with an Agency or Providers that reviewed you in a Searcheable Database the way ECCIE offers reviews of Providers

Whispers's Avatar
Would you do business with an Agency or Providers that were involved in allowing the Providers to submit in a review like process your description and any peculiarities as well as preferences that was search-able by others as well as came up in Google Hits? Your ECCIE Handle and Avatar being tied to the Review of you available to others.

We seem to have that issue here in Austin with MINT/RISQUEBB with it being defended by MARCO who runs/does not run the agency.

Some members have come to find out they have a profile on this BB without their knowledge and soe are finding links to it easily found within google...

A Concern being a wife could come across a handle and think maybe it was her husband, search that handle and find a link to reviews of that handle and a physical description and possibly some peculiarities...


We all KNOW our information gets saved by a lot of these girls and agencies...... One of those nasty little things noone wants to think about or others believe in....

With an Agency and some Providers arguing that fair is fair..... would you knowingly do business with any of the girls affiliated with the Agency/Independents.....

BTW... All the confusion lies in whether or not Marco is or is not an Agency, whether the girls on his site work for him/ or are independent.... who actually answers and returns the texts from the Google Voice Numbers used....etc.....

What i NOT confusing is that this database DOES exist and DOES contain information available to someone....
austinkboy's Avatar
So as with any information out there about you, that really depends on whether the information that is presented is favorable, or unfavorable, private information to the extent that it represents a personal security issue, or just hobby related information.

In other words, would I do business with someone I knew collected information about me in a searchable database? Possibly, and maybe even probably if the information was not dangerous, the information is favorable and helps me maintain my good reputation, and whether I like the provider or not. (Example: P411)

Just as guys review, research, maintain information, have favorite lists, have the "I will never see her" list, all of which we are willing to share with our trusted buddies, maybe even some we don't know that well... someone certainly does need to warn the girls, especially the girls that are new to the business, about Humpty Dumpty.

Of course, I would not want anyone to use this information against me, or in an agency setting to use the information as a whole to control the girls in a nefarious fashion. I've had stalkers, and have had good friends (guys) that have been stalked with information from non-agency, highly respected providers, or just from being on Eccie or
ASPD for that matter. So, it is naive to think that just because they are not agency, that information is not being collected, and that it is not at risk of leaks, if not more than a well run agency, booking service, or whatever where the information may be better secured. I often find my regular providers log on to Eccie during the day or so prior to an appointment if it has been a while since I have seen her, and she is not overly active. I would imagine it is to use the search function to search my handle to see what I have been up to, or causing any trouble that might backlash on them.

I am not advocating one or the other. Personally, I prefer independents, and more and more lately, thanks to you Whispy, actually non-traditional providers. As far as database for providers to check us out... what about P411? We all PAY MONEY to be listed and profiled and in effect be reviewed... btw, I am not knocking P411, I happened to like it and found it useful in the past, maybe not so much anymore.
If your SO/wife knows your board handle, you are soooooo dumb. Just sayin'.
Whispers's Avatar
If your SO/wife knows your board handle, you are soooooo dumb. Just sayin'. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
When they start looking it is one thing to find a site as well as handles.... When she finds another site that crossreferences your handle to a physical description of you as well as possibly other information it could take a suspicion and turn it into a known fact.
Kboy, once that information is collected and put into that searchable database, you have no control over whether it is presented favorably or unfavorably. Just like you don't have control over whether it is accurate, or more detailed than you would like.

But that isn't really the point.

The concern in this particular case is that this information is being posted in a publicly accessible way. Now, I realize that nothing is truly secure on the internet, but this information isn't "in the ROS", its not available only to members, its not protected in any way - its in the clear.

Now, ladies reading this will rightly point out that ECCIE reviews contain the provider's handle and a description, and that portion is also "in the clear". In fact, an Austin lady who recently had the painful experience of being outed makes exactly this argument.

The difference, in my mind, is that providers get a benefit from reviews. Reviews are generally positive and serve as a form of advertising, so the benefit is financial and can be substantial. Most accept, and often encourage, reviews as a result. Hobbyists get no benefit, financial or otherwise, from having their handle and physical description posted on a website. So, to answer Whispers' question, no, I would not do business with an agency that made that information publicly available.

Having said that, this does raise a bunch of other questions that merit discussion. We all expect providers to exchange information on clients - do they need better mechanisms to do that than they currently have? Do reviews contain too much information in the clear (or in the ROS, for that matter); should the description fields be limited to ensure no uniquely identifying information is listed in the clear? Is the whole system overweighted to the client's desire for information, at the expense of the provider's security?
anaximander's Avatar
If'n I was single I wouldn't care.
But I'm not so I do.

Still weird in concept in a way.
The top shelf hons already pick who
they want. Listing the prospects
kinda turns us into a product as well.
How would that work?
I get a PM telling me they know I like
petite blonde/reds; so I would love them?
While probably true, it would be.....different.

Awkward too if atf is next in lineup.
Wouldn't want to offend either.
Timing can be unforgiving.
As long as its just the username with notes on the guy concerning his likes, his description, what is the problem? I wouldn't have a phone number or email address attached to that info... hmmmmm
thats gots me thinking.
simpleton's Avatar
I can't see what the value to the customer is. It comes across as a BIG FUC YOU to the customers that pay the bills. That and Marco comes across as a douche bag.
dwl318's Avatar
one simple fact that maybe should think about. in this day of social media our personal life and information isn't all that secret anymore. so the fact that the more others know about us even if made up or fact someone might see it as the one they know or think they know. that fact can't and will not go away now. so simple use providers who are not with agency. confide in one provider not a group. cause the the more who spread the truth or untruth the bigger and more outlandish the story.
Still Looking's Avatar
We all have opinions and rights! But I think I speak for the masses when I say, nobody wants any amount of personal information put on a wed site by deception. We all have the right to hobby or not! We have the right to use agencies or not. We have the right to make our own choices. All of do. But when someone deliberately posts an ad in the WW as an INDY provider and in fact the communication is between someone other than the provider. That’s fraud. And it most certainly is deceitful and takes away my / our rights. Then to take my information and publish it on a site that anyone can look at, without a membership is wrong! Here on ECCIE isn’t there a powder puff room? Never seen it, don’t care to! Really none of my business! With as many providers I’ve seen, the chances are good my handle has been brought up. If it was negative, there is a good chance I was in the wrong! If it was positive, chances are I got lucky! They could talk about me every day all day long, you would never hear a peep from me. Both hobbyist and providers a like are entitled to there opinions and there space. Men’s Lounge & Powder Puff! Take that information from those two venues and make them public on another site and people start to feel very violated! But that’s just my opinion.

So to answer the question, NO I would not participate with anyone that might publicly post information about me. Certainly not my physical description and age.

For now my information might still be up on this piss ass site, but rest assured we all face consequences to our actions. If any one ever came to me with a legitimate issue, my first thought would be how can I make this right. I requested and have continued to request my information be removed. I'm ignored. So what point is Marco trying to make? He is in control? We'll see! Too many people have been subjected to his BS for way to long. I sticking to my guns, regardless of the cost!

Marco plays the game one way and one way only! DENY, DENY, DENY, IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNOR, CONTROL, CONTROL, CONTROL! While Marco may deny anything and everything and he can most certainly ignore me and the multitude of other board members, he will NOT control us! And that’s where he loses the battle. This could have been fixed in private with the click of a mouse. But NOBODY is going to tell Marco what to do! And he is 100% RIGHT! And rest assured NOBODY is going to make us use his providers or agency. No doubt the risk of having your information collected and published will outweigh seeing a provider by many a hobbyist!

SL Disclaimer: My piss you off button is in the off mode. I am voicing my personal opinion and am not speaking for any one but myself nor am I telling anyone what they should do, or what they might choose is wrong! EXCEPT YOU MARCO! Do The Right Thing!
Whispers's Avatar
Having said that, this does raise a bunch of other questions that merit discussion. We all expect providers to exchange information on clients - do they need better mechanisms to do that than they currently have? Do reviews contain too much information in the clear (or in the ROS, for that matter); should the description fields be limited to ensure no uniquely identifying information is listed in the clear? Originally Posted by Fratelli
All provider oriented questions and personally I have always believed that we should leave what is essentially THEIR business to them to deal with until it infringes on OUR safety and well being. as this new project potentially does....

Is the whole system overweighted to the client's desire for information, at the expense of the provider's security? Originally Posted by Fratelli
The current system is DEFINITELY waited to the Consumers benefit......

HOWEVER, unlike many other Review sites of businesses and their practices, the Providers DEFINITELY receive a great service here. Many ladies have their careers launched by the right reviewer...... When I was in Houston cranking out 10-12 or more reviews a month I had a following of like minded guys that saw just about every girl I reviewed.....

A girl I reviewed would a review if it was favorable....

A fact not unnoticed by two Agency Owners and a lot of new Indies at the time...... I was lucky enough to launch a lot of girls for an Agency I frequented in Houston as well as in South Florida.

I think the Positives FAR outweigh the potential negatives for the ladies on this site.....

I definitely think the reverse is greatly lacking in any benefit to the guys..... and will lead to tremendous issues.....

I've already mentioned one... What about for those guys that don't review because they have an ATF or a couple of regulars that blow a gasket when they see something posted by some other lady simply contributing to the database?.... That's gonna shake up some.....

For example.....

.......I often find my regular providers log on to Eccie during the day or so prior to an appointment if it has been a while since I have seen her, and she is not overly active. I would imagine it is to use the search function to search my handle to see what I have been up to, or causing any trouble that might backlash on them.

I am not advocating one or the other. Personally, I prefer independents, and more and more lately, thanks to you Whispy, actually non-traditional providers. Originally Posted by austinkboy
First of all my Yellow Knight Friend... You do know the common denominator of those that call me Whispy is they have all sucked my dick right? Are you really wanting to come out of the closet here?

But pause for a moment and ask yourself if any of your sessions with favorites would have went south if a couple of MY lady friends that you enjoy so much (for a fraction of your other favorites rates) decided to join the board and contribute what they new and it became apparent to your other ladies that you were spending more time with other ladies?

You and I BOTH know you deal with jealousy at times and in the current market there would be economic fallout as well....
Whispers's Avatar
I can't see what the value to the customer is. It comes across as a BIG FUCK YOU to the customers that pay the bills. Originally Posted by simpleton
It certainly does..... Many businesses tend to put their clients needs ahead of other practices.... Here we see the opposite occurring....

That and Marco comes across as a douche bag. Originally Posted by simpleton
He certainly does doesn't he?
Cpalmson's Avatar
I'm a very private person. I'd like to remain that way.
The one who pays gets to write reviews. Simple. As long as I pay, no reviews. Freebies (which I have never received) don't qualify either. I never rated my SO. But then a SO is not free.
Whispers's Avatar
Some more feedback would be appreciated...