I know I will sleep easier with this thug off the streets...

Marcus78's Avatar
If we didn't stop this 74 year old from selling her moon rock the size of a grain of rice, who knows what she could have done next! Cheating at bingo, not paying for her bengay? The sky's the limit!

Rather than busting her like some mob-boss who poses a huge flight risk, why didn't NASA just invite her down to a local office and confront her quietly? I guess someone needed a big bust on their record to move up the governmental chain.


Like I said, I know I'll sleep easier tonight with this dangerous granny off the streets! On a side note, is a moon rock really worth over $1,000,000.00? If so, I need to start selling counterfeit moon-rocks in a hurry! Assuming the black helicopters and govt. goons don't arrest me first for suggesting it!