Another Oklahoma Great leaves us

cucharabill's Avatar
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I guess since I cannot read it others cannot either but is about Bob Barry Sr, who was the voice of OU, OSU and Tulsa football for over50 years, has passed. He just retired last year
Sweet N Little's Avatar
(from his Ok post ) Former Channel 4 Sports Director Bob Barry Sr. passed away Sunday morning at the age of 80.

I had the pleasure and privilege to work with Bob from 1982 until 1993.

Bob had a sense of humor not equaled by anyone. He always had a new joke to tell everyday. Some were clean, most were not, but they were all funny.

And Bob NEVER had a negative thing to say about anyone.

A funny event that happened really sticks in my mind.

Before going on the air one day, Bob decided to slip into the makeup room for a quick shave. Unfortunately, he nicked himself just above the lip. Not bad, but just bad enough that he had to use a small clump of toilet paper to dab the small growing spot of blood every few seconds as he was reading his scripts.

Welcome to LIVE tv news!!

We were all laughing. On-air you could hear laughter in the studio from the others on-set, as well as the camera operators which made Bob laugh as well as he would dab his lip which made the rest of us laugh even harder and louder. But he was a professional and kept going until he got through it all.

Behind the scenes, we were all rolling and the control room was in hysterical laughter.

Bob promised he would never again do a quick shave before air-time.

R.I.P. Bob, you'll be greatly missed.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
. Originally Posted by cucharabill
Quite a story there.
pyramider's Avatar
Can we quote the OP?