Worse than Watergate

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Speaking of coverups, Fast and Furious just doesn't seem to be going away. Some are calling it worse than Watergate.


Iaintliein's Avatar
Oh come on now, how could getting a bunch of people killed be worse than crooked politicians spying on other crooked politicians? /sarc.

Holder will eventually go under the bus and nothing will change, the dead will still be dead, the ATF and DEA will get bigger budgets, and the anti-gun nuts will continue to try to undermine the 2nd amendment by any means at their disposal.

I will not post in open forum what I think their next big move will be. Suffice to say, anyone can end up under the bus if the socialists think it'll get them where they want to go faster.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Iaintliein, you have stumbled erratically onto the truth.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-02-2011, 09:40 AM
So tell us, who do you trust? Originally Posted by Doove
I really don't trust any news source.

And finally, I trust me. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Speaking of coverups, Fast and Furious just doesn't seem to be going away. Some are calling it worse than Watergate.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Is it false? If so, please correct me.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-02-2011, 10:17 AM
Is it false? If so, please correct me. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I don't have to. All i need to do is say "it's from Prisonplanet.com". You know, the only argument you all use when something comes from the so-called liberal media.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So it IS true! Thanks!

I don't trust opinion pieces from the NYT, Fox, or most news media unless I know something about the author. This is a news piece subject to verification. So I guess it must be true.

You have to pay more attention, Doove.
So it IS true! Thanks!

I don't trust opinion pieces from the NYT, Fox, or most news media unless I know something about the author. This is a news piece subject to verification. So I guess it must be true.

You have to pay more attention, Doove. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Prison Planet, that's funny....note the advertisements: the usual right-wing quack stuff. Gold, silver, books about "How To Survive Martial Law"....funny, but kind of pathetic too.
BigLouie's Avatar
Speaking of coverups, Fast and Furious just doesn't seem to be going away. Some are calling it worse than Watergate.


Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Oh please. In Watergate you had the President of the US trying to undermine the entire election process. Enemies list. G. Gordon Liddy having to be stopped from going out and killing someone because he thought that is what Nixon wanted him to do. Huge difference.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Oh please. In Watergate you had the President of the US trying to undermine the entire election process.**give me a break, he did not order Watergate, he only lied about it** Enemies list. G. Gordon Liddy having to be stopped from going out and killing someone because he thought that is what Nixon wanted him to do. Huge difference.**did somebody mentioned Vince Foster in this thread?%** Originally Posted by BigLouie
and speaking of slick willy, he lied in court, he lied about his ROTC commitment, the list is long
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're right, Louie. There is a big difference. Nixon didn't sell arms to drug dealers which they used to kill our law enforcement.

Tim, prove the story false, that will put me in my place. Here it is in Forbes:


Here it is reported locally in Tucson:


So Alex Jones picked it up. At least he wasn't lying.