Wife Sues Husband's Mistress - Wins $9 mil

I caught the end of a segment on Good Morning America this morning, which discussed a wife who sued her husband's mistress. The wife claimed that the mistress ruined the marriage, and won $9 million. Of course there will be appeals, so this is far from over. The report also mentioned another case where a husband sued the man his wife was having an affair with, and won $500,000 - so apparently this works both ways.

The report went on to state that there is now precendent where a spouse has sued their husband's/wife's affair partner and won based on a claim that they caused "alienation of affection" - in 7 different states!!


How scary is that?!?!? Ladies and married guys, does this make you tink twice?
Mossman's Avatar
Alright...now if I can just get some rich guy interested in my wife!!
j_mack4u's Avatar
Damn, the wifes BF doesn't make much!
ck1942's Avatar
2 points of interest....

Tough to squeeze blood from a turnip and

"The state (North Carolina) is one of just seven states to recognize alienation of affection claims, in which spouses can sue third parties that they allege interfered in their marriages"
Alright...now if I can just get some rich guy interested in my wife!! Originally Posted by Mossman
Kinda thinking the same thing. My hub travels - hoping he can hook up with some old (really old, cuz we ain't young) cougar.

Then I could just sit back and let the $$$ roll in, lol!!!

GneissGuy's Avatar

All some cute gal has to do is find a guy to play "husband" for her and get married. Now start screwing some rich guy, have hubby sue rich guy for alienation of affection. After the case is settled (probably out of court), split the loot with hubby. Maybe I should set up a service to help setup such situations for a percent of the loot.
Hey, stop putting thoughts into my head...lol!!
SloaneMacallan's Avatar
Ahhh sheet!
caroline!'s Avatar
I saw that... talk about HARD CORE!