Paterno tragedy discussion here:

flinde's Avatar
For those that want to vent, comiserate, cry in their beer over a sad sordid end to a legendary dynasty that will never be equaled.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Just a quick note....... be VERY CAREFUL what you post....... this is a subject that could dance awfully close to Nuclear topic #1 on this board...... it gets anywhere NEAR that subject, this thread will get closed and removed!

I hardly find anything wrong with how Penn State handled the situation. If you find a family member with several pounds of *****e in his closet do u nark him to authorities to eventually destroy his life or deal with it internally?

I think they should have fired the assistant though.

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Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 11-08-2011, 11:59 AM
I've read the thread in SA, being a Penn State alum, and season ticket holder since 1976, I think you people should let this play out, before you convict Joe Pa, I've had the honor of meeting him on more than one occasion. He did and does run a clean program, they have no basket weaving majors on his team, you toe the line with him or your fucking gone, coaches included. Let's see what happens, if he did fuck up I know he is more than man enough to say so.... just my .02
seventonine's Avatar
No offense wreckshop, but I disagree that the school handled the situation properly.

It seems to me JP did the right thing by punting the information upstairs. IMO, the AD and other administrators fumbled the ball by not filing reports with LE. [end of football analogies]

It also doesn't appear that the school attempted to handle anything internally because they allowed this goober to participate in football camps for years after the allegation was allegedly reported by JP.

On the surface, it appears JP's big mistake was not following up, forcing the issue, or outing this jackass to someone with the balls to do anything about it.

The school will make an example of someone. But, it's unlikely the boys in the front office are willing to fall on their own swords.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
The school will make an example of someone. But, it's unlikely the boys in the front office are willing to fall on their own swords. Originally Posted by seventonine

I could not disagree more.... the faster they fall on their own swords the better it will be to keep them from serving time!

I call bullshit on anyone thinking that anyone even remotely involved is in any part right here..... the GA should have whipped his ass the INSTANT he saw anything..... everyone else should have dialed up the 3digit hotline almost as fast as word hit thier ears..... it would have looked KINDA bad then and there, but they would have gotten over it..... as it stands now, everyone who knew about it and basically did nothing proactive is at extreme fault...... do not be the least bit surprised if there are civil suites on each and every one of those even remotely involved, and hopefully a stint in the box for their (lack of) efforts....

Deplorable is not even a low enough word for what went on here..... and is just another example of people trying to save their own asses only in the meantime.........

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I understand loyalty to a friend, you know having his/her back, however this loyalty doesn't include messing with some preteen or underaged teen. At that point loyalty to the friend goes away and loyalty to a child takes over.

It's very hurtful that this man (Paterno) will have his life summed up with this situation. His life is so very much more.

I really hate it that he is linked to this sad and sick mess.

Let me offer this analogy. It's like me watching a person shooting another person. I didn't pull the trigger, but by my non actions, I will be linked to the shooting.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 11-08-2011, 05:49 PM
And now Heavy D has passed what a messed up day and week.
chicagoboy's Avatar
I hardly find anything wrong with how Penn State handled the situation. If you find a family member with several pounds of cocaine in his closet do u nark him to authorities to eventually destroy his life or deal with it internally?

I think they should have fired the assistant though. Originally Posted by wreckshop
From what I've read, Pennsylvania law (23 Pa.C.S. §6311 - Child Protective Services Law) places an affirmative responsibility on school administrators to report suspected child abuse. That makes the Penn State situation different from wreckshop's hypothetical cocaine discovery.
The coach will be allowed to gracefully exit and retire. There is no way He will be allowed to stay after this. Although, he did the responsible thing by turning in the info to higher ups. You don't work with someone for over 30 yrs and not have a hint of something like this going on. He had to hear the rumors or been told in someway. Plausible deniablity isn't going to get it in this situation. So he may be covered from this criminal matter, but the coach will be caught up in it all the same.

There is going to be hell to pay in Happy Valley........
Toolman's Avatar

It's very hurtful that this man (Paterno) will have his life summed up with this situation. His life is so very much more.

I really hate it that he is linked to this sad and sick mess. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
The cases are not strictly analogous, but I feel the same regret about how this will tarnish Paterno's legacy as I did about how Pete Rose's being put on the permanent ineligibility list. It's a sad situation.
ric's Avatar
  • ric
  • 11-08-2011, 08:38 PM

On the surface, it appears JP's big mistake was not following up, forcing the issue, or outing this jackass to someone with the balls to do anything about it.
Originally Posted by seventonine
Exactly. JP should have followed up. Should have banned him from locker room. JP didn't have to wait for anyone to take action, he was The Man.
Exactly. JP should have followed up. Should have banned him from locker room. JP didn't have to wait for anyone to take action, he was The Man. Originally Posted by ric
I agree....he should have done more
From what I've read, Pennsylvania law (23 Pa.C.S. §6311 - Child Protective Services Law) places an affirmative responsibility on school administrators to report suspected child abuse. That makes the Penn State situation different from wreckshop's hypothetical cocaine discovery. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
exactly...he is a mandated reporter as am I.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
I blame the GA witness for not immediately intervening, then calling campus security. I mean come on, a 50+ year old man is naked in a shower sodomizing a 10 year old boy. Ask yourself: how could you restrain yourself from tackling him and holding him down until the law arrived? Joe Pa and the bureaucrats should have read about this in the next morning's newspaper. And Sandusky should have been in jail with a huge bond!!!