If anyone has any info on this subject. I haven't done any research yet, but it has piqued my interest.
There is a law, if I remember correctly, where men could divorce their wives for not taking care of their marital duties. I imagine its pretty low on the priority list, as far as marital woes, but I was just curious.
Does anyone have any knowledge of this apparently little known law?
Not in Louisiana, but probably in some other state. In Louisiana you really do not need a reason, just that you no longer wish to be married. We have fault and no-fault divorces. A no-fault divorce is just that, break up is nobody's fault just want to get divorced. There are some requirements before Court will grant but reason was your question. A fault divorce is usually because of adultery. There are some other fault based divorces but extremely rare, for example if your spouse attempts to kill you an dfails - fault based divorce, lol, but one of them is not because he/she did not do their marital duties.
Hmmmmm..... doesn't sound like I would find much. May be too archaic a subject. The strange things that pop in my head......!!!