Ohio tells the GOP to ....

fuck off. Amusing. And perhaps a window on what's coming for the fat cat defenders....

The backers of this Bill say that without more restrictions placed on Unions, Ohio would start to suffer the same fate as other States where Unions have a heavy influence, ie, business leaving in droves.

Time will tell.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If states want this and vote for this, more power to them.
Meanwhile, in Mississippi, the voters tell the GOP to....fuck off.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I wonder if they really thought that would pass.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I wonder if they really thought that would pass. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
its supposed to be a conservative state.

I think conferring personhood on a bunch of cells is prolly going too far and apparently a reach for the majority of the voters who rejected it.

I would have voted against it.
anaximander's Avatar
Yeah the voters in Ohio showed them.
Now they get dozens of new taxes in
order to cover the $60 billion pension plan.

Bwa-ha-ha-ha-tff; what idiots.
It will be rich when Ohio is as buckass
broke as Greece. Best part, they will
have done it to themselves with no
assistance from the GOP. Ergo ALL
the blame for the coming failure
will be square in the dems and union lap.

Entertain the notion that you'll get
all the credit when it works out.
It will be that much sweeter when
they fall on their ass.

And Ohio didn't leave sheik hussein out.
They said fuck off to his healthcare plan.
Can't win them all.

As for the zygote bill.
Everyone here was once that group of
undifferentiated cells. I must state
that we say the cells are UD is a bit
of an assumption. We honestly haven't
the slightest idea how or why zygotes
do what they do. To claim otherwise
is merely a dodge from recognizing
that it is a seed human. If it's fertilized
it is alive.

There but for the grace of God.......

....before you were formed in your
mother's womb...I knew you.
In Virginia and Mississipi the Republicans take control in historic wins...not since reconstruction has the Mississipi legislature gone Republican.

And if the good citizens of Ohio want to give ridicouslalsly favorable benefits to their public sector unions so be it ! But they will be burneded with the extra cost and businesses will continue to flee Ohio (and the taxes necessary to support such a benefit).

BTW, the voters in Ohio voted to boot Obamacare at a higher vote than the union referendum.
Boltfan's Avatar
fuck off. Amusing. And perhaps a window on what's coming for the fat cat defenders....

http://www.boston.com/news/nation/wa..._union_limits/ Originally Posted by timpage
More intellectually biased comments from you. How, exactly, do you explain their voting to opt out of Obamacare?

Perhaps they are rejecting government as a whole. I don't agree that there should be ZERO public unions (though many are a waste of time) just like I don't like Obamacare.

So how does that jive with your theory that they told the GOP to fuck off?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What goes unreported, in Ohio the people rejected Obamacare rather handily. Good for them!
So how does that jive with your theory that they told the GOP to fuck off? Originally Posted by Boltfan
It doesn't.

The voters rendered a mixed verdict, clearly nixing the public-sector union proposal, but opposing the health care "reform" bill mandates. In the overall scheme of things, the latter may be the more important judgment, inasmuch as it may have national implications regarding sentiment against the health care bill.

...Amusing... Originally Posted by timpage
Ohio's citizens may not be so amused when they learn about the tax increases needed to pay for increasingly lavish public-sector pension and benefits packages.