There is a special place in hell for you, Jerry Sandusky

Unbelievable! I cannot believe this went on for so long and so many people swept it under the rug. JoePa was fired, and I'm willing to bet he is not the last.

The long term psychological damage that the victims are dealing with is heartbreaking. Sexual Abuse is sick. Jerry Sandusky is sick.

A legendary football program now has a tarnished reputation for harboring the biggest scandal in NCAA history.

What are your thoughts on the immediate firing of JoePa?
Guilty by association? Negligence in protecting children?
His legendary career was ruined by another man technically, didn't he know it would eventually come to light? Had he reported it to the police in the beginning, he never would have lost his job.

I can't say Sandusky will get what he has coming in prison, because apparently he enjoys shower rapes.
Who's Your Daddy's Avatar

I can't say Sandusky will get what he has coming in prison, because apparently he enjoys shower rapes. Originally Posted by Jamieyoung
He will get to see what it's like to be on the recieving end of a nice 9 inch hammer in the shower once Willie makes him his new girlfriend.
cckid2006's Avatar
There is not a punishment bad enough for this monster!
DTorrchia's Avatar
When I read that someone SAW the guy having sex with an underage boy IN the sports facility and reported it......right then and there JoePA should have not left a stone unturned until he was sure it was properly investigated. Simply reporting it to a "higher" up when you hold that kind of a high profile position is not enough. I simply don't know how you could sleep at night knowing a sexual assault of a child took place in your sports facility and you're just gonna let it go? They had to suspect at that time already that there must be other victims.....The whole thing makes you angry and sad all at the same time.
DallasRain's Avatar
karma will get him!
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 11-10-2011, 10:19 PM
karma will get him! Originally Posted by DallasRain
I'd prefer a pack of angry, hungry Rottweilers. Karma can have whatever scraps are left over.

If any.
DTorrchia's Avatar
What gets me too is that there are students protesting and angry over Paterno being fired. One player, Offensive Tackle Chima Okoli stated: "It's criminal the way he went out because he's done so much for this university. He's had such a legacy, and this isn't a fitting end to all the work he's done for not only Penn State, but for the world".

I'm a football fan. College, NFL, doesn't matter. I love football. All the football games in the world don't mean a damn thing to me though if a young boy is sexually assaulted. Paterno stated that it was one of the "great sorrows of his life" that he didn't do more yet, even though he stated that, I'm still not even sure that he "gets it". He wanted to finish out the season before retiring! It seems that he and so many of his supporters don't seem to understand what matters here. The VICTIMS. Nothing else. Those victims, some of which have been described as young as 10, didn't have a choice in what happened. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE ADULTS DID. Every Adult involved had choices and they made horrible ones. No football legacy could or should ever overshadow that.
Guest092815's Avatar
This is all so very sad. So sad, indeed for the young boys/men that were in that program.

it reminds me of the case here in Austin a few years ago, the CAS* advocate.

...just breaks my heart the way some abuse their authority, just to get a sick thrill.

Pure satisfaction can be quite inexpensive, and they force perversity instead.
I think Joe Paterno is a pompous ass!!!! he resigns and acts like no big deal to Board of Regents... fuk him!!! all of them need to go to jail including Joe Paterno..

I think every child molestor should be executed upon being found guilty!!!! no waiting period, no death row. you leave the courtroom your are shot within 30 minutes!!!! 2 in head, you know there dead!!!
budman33's Avatar
Joe and PSU tried to sweep this under the rug and then had Sandusky retire as a hero. The cover up up, once again is just as heinous as the crime. They all deserve what they get and then some. Joe fucked his legacy covering for a pedophile friend. well done asshole.
A coach sees him raping a boy in the PSU shower, tells Paterno, nothing happens.
Janitors see him performing oral sex in the PSU shower with a boy, tell their boss, nothing happens.
Cops hear him admit to abusing a boy, go to the DA, nothing happens.

How many knew?
How many suffered?
cckid2006's Avatar
You mean still are suffering - RE: Mystic River
randal69's Avatar
Instead of giving him more attention,my brothers and I have decided to use our thoughts and useful resources towards the the thoughts,well wishes,and recoveries of the victims of not only these tragic events but to the other abused/neglected children worldwide.
Sandusky admitted to showering with kids. What!?! There's NO reason to shower with kids at all. His lawyer said the shower area is very large. Huh!? What kind of arguement is that?
Lawyer should advise his client to remain silent and deny.

When asked by Bob Costas if he is "sexually attracted to young boys," it took probably 20 seconds to finally say no, but pretty much said yes.
“Sexually attracted – you know, no, I enjoy young people,” he answered. “I love to be around them. But no, I’m not sexually attracted to young boys.”

Lawyer background:
The girl gave birth to Amendola's child when she was 17 years old, her mother, Janet Iavasile, said. Amendola would have been about 49 years old at the time. The age of consent in Pennsylvania is 16.
Probably a pedophile representing another pedophile.
When will the public ever learn that it's always the guys who pretend to be holyer-than-thou that are the real evildoers.

Paterno's career, and that of the program he built, was founded on the principle that they were morally better than everyone else.

"Success with Honor" was his motto.

He trumpeted that he was morally better than all the other University programs, and that he required his athletes to pass their classes, metriculate to graduation, not gloat after victories, etc.....

Now it's likely that his number one was highly suspected of knocking off as many boys as a Greek citizen of Athens, and once again...


Wake up people.

Don't believe anyone claiming moral superiority.