Rick Perry on Letterman

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He was funny and the scripted jokes were clever; but not enough to save his campgain....he isn't ready for prime time IMO (at least not without a teleprompter).
....he isn't ready for prime time IMO (at least not without a teleprompter). Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And I suppose that you are!

The only thing Whirly is ready for Prime Time for would be for a Laurel and Hardy remake, starring Marshy and Whirly!
No, I am not; but Romney is (w/o teleprompter).

And I suppose that you are! Originally Posted by bigtex
No, I am not; but Romney is (w/o teleprompter). Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Romney has a lot of catching up to do if he is going to match Obama. As I recall the Prez participated in approximately 25 Democratic debates during the 2007/2008 Democratic Party Primary season. He later participated in 2 Presidential campaign debates during the Fall of 2008.

And since you are keeping score, Obama was "w/o teleprompter" in each of them!
In facing defeat; it's good to be confident.

Romney has a lot of catching up to do if he is going to match Obama. As I recall the Prez participated in approximately 25 Democratic debates during the 2007/2008 Democratic Party Primary season. He later participated in 2 Presidential campaign debates during the Fall of 2008.

And since you are keeping score, Obama was "w/o teleprompter" in each of them! Originally Posted by bigtex
Poll: Romney Would Beat Obama If Election Was Today

Obama led Romney by 6 percentage points when the same question was asked in a poll in September

November 4, 2011 RSS Feed Print
WASHINGTON (Reuters) — President Barack Obama's fortunes are improving slightly, although he would face a tough struggle for re-election next year if Mitt Romney were the Republican nominee, a Reuters/Ipsos poll said Friday.
Forty-nine percent of Americans approve of the way Obama is handling his job as president, up from 47 percent in an October poll.
Obama's disapproval rating held steady at 50 percent.
While still low, the percentage of Americans who believe the country is headed in the right direction also increased, to 25 from 21 in the previous survey. The percentage who feel it is on the wrong track slipped to 70 from 74, the survey said.

The poll showed Obama would finish just behind Romney if the November 2012 presidential election were held today, with the former Massachusetts governor at 44 percent and Obama at 43 percent among registered voters.

It was the first Reuters/Ipsos poll to show Romney ahead, although his slim lead is within the survey's margin of error and technically a dead heat.
Obama led Romney by 6 percentage points when the same question was asked in a poll in September.
Ipsos pollster Julia Clark said the signs pointed to a close 2012 election.
"Romney, and the Republican field generally, are becoming more well-known to the American electorate, and I think we are going to see this narrow gap now between the Republican front-runners and Obama going forward," she said.

"It's essential that Obama retain these high approval ratings," she said.
The Democratic president was ahead of two of the other Republicans vying for the nomination to oppose him next November. He led businessman Herman Cain by 46 percent to 41 percent and was ahead of Texas Governor Rick Perry by 47 percent to 41 percent.
The poll was taken as news reports about sexual harassment allegations against Cain in the 1990s broke.

The poll was conducted from Oct. 31 to Thursday. It interviewed 1,106 adults, of whom 937 were registered voters. The margin of error was plus or minus 2.9 percentage points for all adults, and plus or minus 3.2 percentage points for registered voters.
......and your point is?

We all know the election between Obama and Romney would be close if it were held today. But the election is a year away. Obama is not regularly campaigning as of yet while Romney is! The truth is that Romney will have a difficult time making it out of the Republican Primary with the nomination! His poll numbers have held steady for the past several months while other Republicans have benefited from the Anti-Morman, errrrr Anti- Romney Tea Party faithful. The other candidates surge past Romney only to have their errrrr shortcomings exposed and then they fall like a two-ton rock! If you don't believe me, how do you explain Bachman and Perry's rapid fall from grace?

I have long said that the only Republican who has a snowballs chance in hell of beating Obama next year would be Governor Romney. And quite frankly, I kinda like some of his views. I just don't think he will be able to find enough crossover Tea Partiers to switch to his side. It just depends upon who the next flavor of the day will be among the remaining Drawfs who are trying to wrestle the Republican nomination away from Romney.

Let's see, other than Snow White Romney the 7 Drawfs are :

Sneezy Bachman
Sleepy Santorum
Happy Cain
Doc Paul
Dopey Perry
Bashful Huntsman
Grumpy Gingrich

Did I miss anyone? ROTFLMAO
Ok; but I thought you said Romney has alot of catching up if he is going to match Obama; based on the recent Reuters poll I would say it is Obama who has the catching up to do !!!!!!

And trust me, the Tea Party and Conservatives will vote against Obama in Nov-2012. You can take it to the bank !

Ron Paul will support the Republican candidate whomever it is, bringing the fringes of Conservativism/libertarians into the Romney candidacy.
I saw this. He was pretty funny.


Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yes he was....But not very presidential!! He looked more like an actor or comedian than somebody I want running the country....my $0.02
Ok; but I thought you said Romney has alot of catching up if he is going to match Obama; Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Apparently my comment went wayyyyy over your head. (Which is not a surprise) My reference was a response to your remark about Romney's debate appearances (w/o teleprompter). I merely pointed out that Obama had quite a few more debate appearances (w/o teleprompter) and Romney had a lot of catching up to do in order to equal the Prez's 2007/2008 totals (w/o teleprompter)!

I suspect most people would have been astute enough to have caught that. Apparently it was too much to ask of you!
Your so called facts are exxaggerated; and not to mention you are comparing apples to oranges (2008 to 2011)...By this time in 2007, Obama had only participated in eight debates....compared to the 7 that Romney has been in to date ....and the Obama team, in 2007, issued a statement that going forward they were going to limit his number of debates in the upcoming months....unlike Romney who hasn't said any such thing.
Your so called facts are exxaggerated; and not to mention you are comparing apples to oranges (2008 to 2011)...By this time in 2007, Obama had only participated in eight debates....compared to the 7 that Romney has been in to date ....and the Obama team, in 2007, issued a statement that going forward they were going to limit his number of debates in the upcoming months....unlike Romney who hasn't said any such thing. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Well DUH! Romney still has a lot of catching up to do in order to match Obama's 27 debate appearances in 2007/2008! Does he not?

Just curious, have you graduated from Middle School yet?
I see you slicky re-edited your post....good for you to correct your mistake.
Hello, are you saying Romney does not have any catching up to do? As far away as Romney's 7, 2011 debate apparances are from Obama's 27, he seems to have a long way to go in order to catch up! Do you or do you not agree?

One other thing, did Obama use a "teleprompter" in any of his 27 debates?