Uh, It Was Lost In the Mail

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Eric Holder claims to have sent a letter to the family of the LEO killed by one of the guns obtained from ATF under the guidance and leadership of AG Holder. It never got there, or it was leaked before it arrived.

I guess the family didn't get the memo that since their son would have been shot anyway, it's not the government's fault for providing the weapon to the criminals who did shoot him. God, they are intolerant! They just don't understand all the good the Obama administration is doing for them.


It's time for Holder to go.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-11-2011, 02:52 PM
Haven't you heard...Guns don't kill people, people do

EDDIE IZZARD’S COUNTERQUOTE:“The National Rifle Association says that guns don’t kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know? I think it helps. I think just standing there going ‘BANG!’ — that’s not going to kill too many people, is it?”
Eddie Izzard
British comedian and actor
In his HBO comedy special
Dress to Kill (1999)

“Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.”
The unofficial slogan of the
National Rifle Association
Contrary to popular belief, this is not an official NRA slogan, though it has been used by NRA members and other gun rights advocates since at least the 1950s. Ironically, it has also been used as a gun safety slogan. For example, in a May 31, 1959 Associated Press story found in the
NewspaperArchive.com site, Fred A. Roff Jr., president of the Colt Patent Fire Arms Co., was quoted as saying “Our big concern is to make sure that guns get into the hands of only those who know how to use them. Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.”

“You know guns don’t kill people, stupid motherfuckers with guns kill people.”
“Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. Guns defend people against people with smaller guns.”
Stan Smith (voiced by Seth MacFarlane)
“Guns don’t kill people. Husbands that come home early do.”
Larry the Cable Guy
In an episode of the TV series Blue Collar TV

In an episode of animated TV series
American Dad!
“Gun control is for wimps and commies. Listen, let’s get one thing straight. Guns don’t kill people. I do.”
Earl Ramsey (played by actor Ivan Green):
In “Weird Al” Yankovich’s gonzo comedy movie UHF (1989)

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Gee, this thread is kinda quiet. Where are Holder's defenders?
He's the f'n attorney general. He doesn't need defenders on a SHMB. He's got all the employees of DOJ and FBI to defend him.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, they can post here, then. C'mon, guys! Let's here from DOJ, and then Homeland Security. Let's make it a contest to see how many different federal agencies can post here!
Alphabet soup.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-13-2011, 06:43 AM
It never got there, or it was leaked before it arrived. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Gee, this thread is kinda quiet. Where are Holder's defenders? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Defend him from what? A letter that "never got there, or was leaked before it arrived"?

Maybe we just don't feel the need to defend him from your irrational Obama hatred.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't hate anyone, Doove, not even you.

I do think Eric Holder should be removed from office. But I don't hate him.
budman33's Avatar
The ATF has been without a permanent director since 2006 amid concerns from, in part, the National Rifle Association, which has put up immense opposition to several nominees for what they describe as hostility to Second Amendment rights.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories...#ixzz1dbP9D6kx

Holder was at most peripherally involved and he didnt cook up this plan or approve it. Why would he? This was an program ran by Phoenix ATF and ran up their channels. If Holder had to sign off on these types of things, nothing would get done as is the case in other parts of government.

I think people should get fired sure, but to run this all the way up is stupid to assume Holder had his fingers in this.
Haven't you heard...Guns don't kill people, people do

right on WDF, the people in the Odumbo regime killed many people........
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It is stupid to assume that the guy in charge knows what is going on in his department? God help us if you really believe that.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Check out the coverup. It is outrageous!


The family isn't amused either.
