Etiquette on the Road

Squarenot's Avatar
When merging in heavy traffic, the code of the road and polite thing to do, is every other vehicle merge. Some drivers simply have not got that memo. Is it me, or have any of you others observed, that it seems like every time this every other rule is violated, it is a female driver who will not allow the every other merge protocol. I am not sayn that all female drivers are inconsiderate at all. It just seems like the most inconsiderate drivers that I encounter are female and I wonder what others experience is. I am seldom in a rush these days. I love women and consider myself to be a gentleman, but the injustice of it all pisses me off.

Also, the infamous Texas index finger salute from the steering wheel. Texas Monthly did an article on this quaint custom some time ago. It represents a friendly greeting and Texas good will to oncoming drivers particularly among those of us who drive a pick up and is most popular on less traveled country roads. Has anyone ever received one from a female driver? I've gotten a few one finger salutes from female drivers, but they were not the index finger.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 11-11-2011, 06:49 PM
Moved from Coed Discussions to The Sandbox, since this isn't hobby related.

cckid2006's Avatar
This idea really annoys me. The law says:

A driver entering a roadway from a roadway that is intended for and constructed as a merging roadway, and is plainly marked at the intersection with the appropriate merge signs, shall yield the right-of-way to traffic upon the roadway that is so close as to constitute an immediate hazard and shall adjust their speed to enable them to merge safely with through traffic. Simply put, a driver merging onto a freeway must yield to traffic upon the freeway. It must be noted that traffic on the freeway cannot intentionally block a driver from merging by either speeding up or slowing down.

Just because you put on you blinker does not give you the right to cut off traffic.