what if?

...I am a memeber on this board. I am a UTR lady and would like to remain that way for now.
is it ok for me to post here?
How to I put a picture/avatar next to my posts?
You can post you just can't advertise.

For the picture look on the left side of the screen. Click on user cp under main menu. On the next screen click on edit avatar. Scroll down and click browse to find a picture on your computer to display.

Welcome to ECCIE!
welcome...lets us know when u r up and running!!
Yes, welcome!! Good luck!
Smoking Monkey's Avatar
Welcome to ECCIE and hope to see much more of you in the future!
BottomFeederKC's Avatar
lakecat's Avatar
Very nice Angel, glad you figured out how to put in an avatar. What a hot picture! Welcome and look forward to you posting here.
Thanks for joining. Do you want to start being mean to us now or wait until later?
thats hillarious Buzzworm!!!! lmao........as you know a couple of providers on this board think we are all lowlifes!!
You providers know who you are right
It's the same at my house, my 15 cats only like me at feeding time. True story, one cat even pees on my leg at times. So, out in the world why would i expect anything different?
15 cats?? Holy ?%$#@
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey, we're all on here because we like pussy!

COG if I ever catch you doing shit to Cats .............................. ..........I hope you get my drift.
Starry69's Avatar
Catnipdipper watching his butt around COG now.