"Jock Itch!!!"

What do you guys do for this "wonderful" condition.

Background. A bunch of us went to Yosemite for some climbing. Flashed Royal Arches. Half Dome was a lazy day & half. We started on El Capitan when bad weather blew in and what was supposed to be a three or less day climb turned into 5 1/2 days. Okay, so I'm in the same clothes for almost six days, it's raining, we're doing some sweaty work. I brought extra socks, but no extra underwear. And sure didn't anticipate 80 degree sun, 40 degree rain (that is miserable!) then 80 degree sun (with slick as dog snot rock).

So I've been blessed with a very itchy crotch. Suggestions? I might see my doc if it doesn't somehow get better by tomorrow night. I'm taking two showers a day and running around the house wearing a smile.

(Don't worry, I'm not planning on making any appointments for quite a while. I've got too many plans for quite a while to come.)
budman33's Avatar
Tinactin works. Jock itch aint so unlike athletes foot.
Tinactin works. Jock itch aint so unlike athletes foot. Originally Posted by budman33
I believe its bacterial,so use some antibacterial soap. Also wear some really loose fitting shorts,no underwear and get some fresh air.
Jock itch is generally fungal, not bacterial. Tinaction, Cruex, Lotrimin, any of the standard antifungal agents should take care of it.
If over the counter stuff doesn't kill it off (and you should use something - jock itch is likely fungal in this case), then go to a doc and get a script for Terbinafine hydrochloride (Lamisil pills). Skin based fungus will generally be nuked within 2 weeks using that stuff. Just be smart and go to walmart to fill the script though... will cost you $4 for 30 day supply there as opposed to 60-300 at other pharms. If you are at all concerned though... this should not substitute for a visit to a doc... not like they haven't seen their fair share of crotch rot.
aroundaustin's Avatar
Take a bath with a couple of cups of bleach poured into the water.
Doc gave me a sample of some anti-fungal soap and a scrip for more, if needed.

Interesting. She had one of the medical assistants (it's a big practice) to "show" me how to apply the soap. Good think is was Anne and not Jerry. I suspect Jerry was as relieved as I was. After about 30 seconds of washing "things came up." Which she said was good since it gave a better surface to work with.

Doc also told me to use one of the OTC sprays, only 4 times a day instead of twice, and come back in a week if it hadn't resolved itself. Don't need to.

Um, bleach? I only use that for chiggers. And only ti gasoline doesn't work.