At what point do you post an alert on someone?
What happens when your pics are somewhere without your permission and the person will not take them down in a timely fashion. What if the person is an agency and not something that can be flagged like Backpage or when Craigslist was around?
What point do you post an alert on someone if they keep harassing even though you have told them to stop? Sending messages that are "not nice" or accusing you of crimes that have clearly not been committed? If a crime has been committed then it is suggested to go through the proper channels and not sending messages online.
I do not like to start threads nor do I like to post alerts on here or the main other boards; but rather in a provider only board, due to keeping a hush hush on things. It just works out better for me. If the person is that serious of a threat then I will post an alert but thankfully this has not happened in a long time...
what is enough? Sometimes a simple pm or phone call resolves the situation, but what if it doesn't?