Texas Supreme Court hears "Poll Tax" tomorrow @ 9:00AM

At St. Mary's University of all places......


you can follow the proceedings online at Supreme Court Webcasts:

uparoundnoon's Avatar
This is one of the reasons I quit going to strip clubs. They are so slimy to still be collecting this "tax" when the truth is from what I hear they have not even been turning it over to the state. They "collect" it from us and then for 2 years now have just been keeping it to line their own greedy pockets. They suck and I hate them for that. They have been telling us it goes to the state but that's a lie. They keep it. Most of them stopped paying it to the state long ago when it became a lawsuit and a dispute. The original money that was collected by the state is just sitting there and never has been used for the violence against woman groups that it was supposed to be used for. So the strip clubs just stopped paying it to the state but they still charge us just to increase their bottom line. Just like taxing the strippers with their fees and jacking up the drinks for outrageous profits. They are greedier than the worst pimps. How many of them have you seen close because of being hurt by this recession? None.
... They "collect" it from us and then for 2 years now have just been keeping it to line their own greedy pockets. ...The original money that was collected by the state is just sitting there and never has been used for the violence against woman groups that it was supposed to be used for. Originally Posted by uparoundnoon
Weren't they holding onto it because they filed this lawsuit?? ie pending litigation

That is pretty shady and never really thought about it that way.
SCs are just teases and i'd rather spend my money on this hobby now
Rakhir's Avatar
Question is if this poll tax is declared null and void where is the money going that was collected? Certainly there is no way it could every be refunded to the individual.
I place my "5" in the tip jar for the girl (really doesn't bother me if its shared with others) at the counter ==> truth be known she is usually kewter than 75% of the entertainers anyway....PLUS she can be a great Tour Guide to fantasy island for you....

here is today's proceedings......

It was pretty well attended and I did recognize a lot of folks. Don't think for a second the State of Texas has this case wrapped up. The judges ask some very interesting questions. Here is an article from the KSAT 12 site:

Strip Club 'Pole Tax' In Hands Of Texas High Court

PAUL J. WEBER, Associated Press Writer

POSTED: Thursday, March 25, 2010
UPDATED: 3:21 pm CDT March 25,2010

SAN ANTONIO -- The Texas Supreme Court is deciding whether to strip away a $5 entrance fee to watch nude dancers.
The court heard arguments Thursday about whether the so-called pole tax, a fee mandated by lawmakers in 2007, is unconstitutional.
Texas has so far collected more than $13.6 million from the fee. But many clubs have ignored the law, which is intended to fund programs for sexual assault victims.
The Texas Entertainment Association, which represents strip clubs across the state, sued to block the fee. Lower courts have sided with the clubs.
Justices questioned both sides at length. Talk about strippers engaging in free expression was balanced by rebuttals about tax and zoning precedents. It will likely be months before the Supreme Court rules.