I would like to report a violation of the pornography images rule

BarebackLover's Avatar
I see this rule from an owner here:
Pornography - Sex is one of many frequently discussed topics here at ECCIE.net. We do not want to be too restrictive when it comes to discussions which pertain to sexual subject matter or erotic-themed images, however we do ask that that you refrain from posting images of yourself engaging in any type of sexual conduct. In addition to this, posted images or videos which can be classified as "pornography" should be avoided. This includes avatars, linked images, or URL links which direct to sites that include pornographic images or video.
I see this image on the top of the Eccie page at http://eccie.net/forumdisplay.php?f=315 which I have taken a snapshot of.

There is a girl sucking a penis which is not allowed on the forums.

I see many instances where images such as these are posted and the poster is pointed or warned and the image removed. This is very confusing.

How is this image allowed to stay at the top of every Eccie page when it violates the guidelines equally?

I would like to use this image as my avatar. Would that be allowable since the image seems to be allowed on your site.

Image removed. It is confusing but still against the image standards members have to abide by. Staff
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
get a life
Duke of G's Avatar
Advertisers who advertise pornography are not members here, and are not subject to the rules you cited.

No, you may not use the image as your avatar, as it violates member rules.

So, in short: advertiser <> member, and yes, the rules for each are different.
LazurusLong's Avatar
BBL, buy a banner ad that has an animated gif of people fucking, cum shots and who knows what else and see how that rule gets applied then.

Duke, how much is it to have a banner ad for a month?
Duke of G's Avatar
Laz: that's outside my responsibility. Go ahead and inquire with the right folks, and I'm sure you can see.

I'll bet you that rules apply to providers and members here too. (i.e. why you don't see provider banners that violate image standards) I wouldn't get your hopes up for paying for porn ads, since I'm sure that it's discretionary. But you are welcome to talk to those in the know.

I would venture to bet that since the porn places are known porn places, not providers selling sexual services, the rules are applied with that in mind.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
He does kind of have a point.

If I understand the reasoning for not allowing sexually explicit photos in ads, avatars, showcases and posts then the same concerns exist having a blowjob in a banner. The reasoning I was given should preclude the idea advertisers play by different rules.
Bloodhound's Avatar
You can't fight city hall. They do as they see fit, after all it belongs to them.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I would like to report a violation of the pornography images rule Originally Posted by BarebackLover

Snitches get stitches.

I'll bet this guy is the bomb at a cocktail party.
Selling of porn is legal so different standards apply to thier ads. All members have to abide by the image standards for members of the site.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
I think his point is that this rule:

1) Pornography - Sex is one of many frequently discussed topics here at ECCIE.net. We do not want to be too restrictive when it comes to discussions which pertain to sexual subject matter or erotic-themed images, however we do ask that that you refrain from posting images of yourself engaging in any type of sexual conduct. In addition to this, posted images or videos which can be classified as "pornography" should be avoided. This includes avatars, linked images, or URL links which direct to sites that include pornographic images or video.

Is at very least being stretched when there is a banner ad depicting a blowjob, particularly when it links to a porn site.

Their site their rules, but don't be surprised when people question those rules.