Not Receiving PMs after handle change


I have several repeat clients upset that they can't get a hold of me due to my inability to receive PMs. Prior to my handle change, I had the ability to receive PMs, but now, I can't. Is there an option I can set, or do I need formal permission to do this?

Thank you so much!


Yes, I tried to contact you by pm as well Barbie...and, it said you're not accepting pm's. I just thought you had disabled it. Go into your Edit Option and check to see if it's been disabled.
.....and if that doesn't work ==> johnnybax (who is an Administrator) may be able to assist you via PM
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
VLB, Hope someone was able to help you get that fixed

Mojojo's Avatar
If they try to pm you using your old handle its not gonna work, they must use your new handle.