There are times...especially after a crazy holiday like Turkey day...when going bat-chit crazy looks pretty damn attractive.
Or more to the point, crazier than normal.
And I'm not talking about becoming adorably eccentric. I've already got that covered 9 ways from Tuesday.
Nope...I'm talking about purposely relocating to the land of lunacy. That special psychological zip code where the "Ancient Laws of Behave Yourself" we were all taught somewhere, sometime in our childhoods (usually at the end of some kind of impliment of pain...such as a belt...or in my case an iron skillet) no longer applies.
You know...the kind that usually brings on that friends/family intevention? Usually with a shrink and a straigh-jacket in tow....
The "reasoning"?
Pretty darn simple.
It takes a great deal of effort to sustain a conservative, trustworthy, kick in the butt cute, adorable persona. Surrending that effort would involve, from a therapy perspective, a conscious seperation and deconstruction of the ego....that part of the human psyche entrusted with enforcing parental and socially approved actions.
And therein lies the allure of going full on bat-chit crazy.
The constant energy needed to pass as normal...or as normal as I usually pass which isn't saying much...would suddenly become available for use doing and saying whatever pleases me in the context and time I find myself in. Just imagine it. I wouldn't even need that shrink anymore.
I might, maaaaaybe need a lawyer tho...and depending on the location wherein I did whig out...a new job.
Where's the tylenol...