BP wild aggie in c.s. ???

josecuervo6969's Avatar
http://collegestation.backpage.com/F...ayout=detailed I see she ran a special over Thanksgiving. Anybody hit that stuff recently?
trynagetlaid's Avatar
You might want to post this in Houston also, since she advertised there October 3rd...

  • Ghola
  • 11-28-2011, 08:56 AM
called her, got a bad vibe
josecuervo6969's Avatar
uh oh......bad vibe as in might be LE or bad vibe like she is TGTBT?
  • Ghola
  • 11-28-2011, 09:04 AM
def not tgtbt, but a little too staged for my comfort
She has been discussed a few times http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?...ighlight=aggie

and She was recommended by JPJohnson http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=263100
josecuervo6969's Avatar
I recall that recommendation. Was just wondering if anyone had any recent news on her.
  • Ghola
  • 11-30-2011, 12:35 PM
jp never did a review on her, I got the nonGFE vibe when i spoke with her
In my own defense.. I provided the GFE every time unless told otherwise, and nothing was ever "staged". I disliked discussing my services over the phone or giving out too much personal information. I'm no longer in the business since I graduated, started grad school and my career. Too bad for you because Uncle Sam has greatly improved my physique without losing my A&T. I suggest you go easy on poor college students in the future who have a million things going on, are trying to make something of themselves while paying the bills, and are just trying not to get arrested. Be glad that we don't write reviews about you guys - enough said.
  • bigB
  • 03-14-2012, 09:33 AM

Should your mind ever change I'm sure there are plenty of folks interested in seeing what Uncle Sam has done for you, but perhaps those times have passed

Either way, I wish you nothing but the best in whatever endeavor you take on.

good luck as well

*side note obligatory "dont bump threads after 30 days" post
Ranchhand's Avatar
Do not bump threads that are over 30 days old. Ranch