An update for this thread:
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I honestly wish I'd been wrong.
An update for this thread:The Islamists are clearly on the march. With the Muslim Brotherhood taking over in Egypt and Turkey moving more towards fundamentalism every day it is certainly a dangerous trend.
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I honestly wish I'd been wrong. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
IT'S NO COINCIDENCE THAT FIGHTING BREAKS OUT ANYWHERE MUSLIMS BUMP UP AGAINST NON-MUSLIMS.......Out of the 2 world wars how many of them were started by muslims and/or Muslim countries???? They sure have they share of knuckle heads and radical assholes- but if you add up the number of people whom Muslims have killed in defense of their religion to the number of people Christians have killed in defense of their religion??? Now Christianity has a big jump on Islam since it's nearly 600 years older- but over the centuries they have killed more people- but just to be fair in recent modern times- Muslims have killed far more people than Christians.
Originally Posted by Marshall
tel aviv is mentioned? it isn't the capital of israel. Originally Posted by dilbert firestormIran is unlikely to bomb Jerusalem due to the fact that it is considered to be holy ground to Islam.
Out of the 2 world wars how many of them were started by muslims and/or Muslim countries???? They sure have they share of knuckle heads and radical assholes- but if you add up the number of people whom Muslims have killed in defense of their religion to the number of people Christians have killed in defense of their religion??? Now Christianity has a big jump on Islam since it's nearly 600 years older- but over the centuries they have killed more people- but just to be fair in recent modern times- Muslims have killed far more people than Christians. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911During the WW’s era many Muslim countries were occupied colonies of Western European nations and / or dirt-farming, goat herders that no way or desire to wage war on Western nations. Be serious.
tel aviv is mentioned? it isn't the capital of israel. Originally Posted by dilbert firestormTel Aviv is to Jerusalem as New York is to Washington DC.
During the WW’s era many Muslim countries were occupied colonies of Western European nations and / or dirt-farming, goat herders that no way or desire to wage war on Western nations. Be serious.Oliva I am not justifying wither side- but it will be complete fabrication to say Christians have not killed innocent people are started wars because history will tell you differently- just google the Crusades their were document records in history where Christian crusaders slaughtered so many muslims that blood was ankle high. However, I do think in modern times Muslims have killed far more people due to their idiotic radical beliefs- hell in some muslim countries if you convert from Islam to Chritianity it's grounds to be killed- the sad part abut Islam is that they have 1 billion followers with a small percentage of their radicals pretty much dominate their culture.
Just because Christianity was and is still to some extent a violent religion doesn’t make it right for Islam to pick up where the Christians left off. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
Tel Aviv is to Jerusalem as New York is to Washington DC.
As to the original post, is anyone really, really surprised that the voting is going fundamental Islamic fundamentalism in Egypt? Seriously? There’s a reason these countries are controlled by secular dictators; the flip side is too horrible to imagine. Imagine if you are an Egyptian woman, things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. It happened in Iraq and it will go the same way in Egypt and Libya. A blind man can see it.
Just because people want to be tolerant of a crusading religion doesn’t mean that tolerance is warranted. People really need to stop thinking inside the PC box. The West and the US in particular are the sworn enemy of the cultural and religious fundamental Islamic followers. Wake up! We are at war with fundamental Islam because the radical leaders and followers alike are at war with us. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
WE1911 apears to have forgotten what he posted in the first thread. About how the people in Egypt would never allow the fundamntalist to take over, and how Obummer (who was, at the time, not in the US senate) magically "voted against Iraq".If you are comparing the Muslim Brotherhood to Al-Queada than you are an idiot- the Brotherhood is more so a movement- they believe in the education of women, the believe in a Democracy and if you want to take it up a notch- find me one incident where the MB were linked to a terrorist attack? They are against Western colonialism which I have no problem with- you guys act as if the MB is a new party they have been around since 1928. The fact that they held DEMOCRATIC elections where people vote for the candidate of their choice is a huge accomplishment- the MB got voted in and they can get voted out. There are women in the MB for goodness sakes. You guys act as if the MB is a clone of Al-Queada or the taliban. An Islamic theocracy wouldn't have any kind of democratic system- women would be barred from holding any political position -depending on how extreme women would be educated to a certain age and women would be forced to wear the Chador or Burka- the MB has no such rules-
So, I'm not too surprised he never heard of Turkey's part in WW1 nor of the Grand Mufti's "Arab Legion", an elite SS unit that was one of the last fighting the final battle of Berlin. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Oliva I am not justifying wither side- but it will be complete fabrication to say Christians have not killed innocent people are started wars because history will tell you differently- just google the Crusades their were document records in history where Christian crusaders slaughtered so many muslims that blood was ankle high. However, I do think in modern times Muslims have killed far more people due to their idiotic radical beliefs- hell in some muslim countries if you convert from Islam to Chritianity it's grounds to be killed- the sad part abut Islam is that they have 1 billion followers with a small percentage of their radicals pretty much dominate their culture. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911Darlin’ you’re preaching to the choir, and condescending to people about what you think they don’t know doesn’t warm people to your side. I am well versed in what Christianity is. I was raised Christian (culturally more than anything else), shed it and now embrace the Jewish belief system. The difference between the ancient Christian Crusades than the current one waged by some Muslims is that ALL Christians were participatory. Well they were participatory until the oppression was turned on them or their family. Currently only a small portion of the Muslims are waging war with the West, and two wrongs don't make a right.