Former Republican Senator: The GOP Presidential Field Is ‘Embarrassing’

BigLouie's Avatar
Republican John Danforth, who served as a senator from Missouri for nearly 20 years and later as George W. Bush’s ambassador the United Nations, is not happy with the slate of Republican presidential candidates. “I’ve been watching some of these Republican debates and they’re just terrible. Terrible,” he told KTRS in St. Louis yesterday. “It’s embarrassing for me as a Republican to watch this stuff,”
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's embarrassing as a citizen to watch that stuff.
Mini Racer's Avatar
It's embarrassing to have these idiots in office representing us! (and that is meant for both sides of the isle!) they all suck!
The Republican field of Presidential candidates is a curious lot, aren't they? The only thing settled about the field is how unsettled they all are!
I'm a republican and couldn't agree more. A deplorable lineup, to be sure. I console myself by saying that this will make it all the easier for us to recognize when a true leader emerges. And make no mistake, he or she WILL emerge. I just hope I'm alive...
I'm a republican and couldn't agree more. A deplorable lineup, to be sure. I console myself by saying that this will make it all the easier for us to recognize when a true leader emerges. And make no mistake, he or she WILL emerge. I just hope I'm alive... Originally Posted by JDNorthface
Apparently, there will be one less Dwarf by the end of the day. I suspect Herman Cain will drop out of the race leaving us with:

Snow White (Romney) and the 6 remaining Dwarfs! (Coming soon to a theater near you!)
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The Cover of Time magazine this week leads with a story about Mitt Romney.

The question on the cover Mitt asks is "Why don't they like me?"

. . . I'm sure New Gingrich would be happy to expound fully on that question!

. . . I'm sure New Gingrich would be happy to expound fully on that question!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Now that Newt is the latest "flavor of the day," it shouldn't take long for him to become newtered.

Welcome to Paradise, Newt!
joe bloe's Avatar
Republican John Danforth, who served as a senator from Missouri for nearly 20 years and later as George W. Bush’s ambassador the United Nations, is not happy with the slate of Republican presidential candidates. “I’ve been watching some of these Republican debates and they’re just terrible. Terrible,” he told KTRS in St. Louis yesterday. “It’s embarrassing for me as a Republican to watch this stuff,” Originally Posted by BigLouie
I'm not excited about any of them. But any one of them would be a huge improvement over the freak we currently have in the White House.

America can't survive four more years of Baboona. I'm not sure we can survive the damage he has already done.
I'm not excited about any of them. But any one of them would be a huge improvement over the freak we currently have in the White House.

America can't survive four more years of Baboona. I'm not sure we can survive the damage he has already done. Originally Posted by joe bloe
America has already shown that we can (barely) survive the most inept and incompetent Administration (G.W. Bush) since the Great Depression. If we can survive 8 long and miserable years of Dubya we should be able to survive any disaster short of a nuclear holocaust!
  • MrGiz
  • 12-03-2011, 09:40 AM
Bill Clinton feels the same way about Obama!

Tough times...
The Cover of Time magazine this week leads with a story about Mitt Romney.

The question on the cover Mitt asks is "Why don't they like me?"

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I have asked myself the same question. I have no idea what the answer is. He's just not likable. Nor do I trust him. The best way I can describe him is "slicky-sissy." Granted, Mormons are not normally known for being tough hombres but that's not it. He's just a weiner. I'm sorry. I wish I could do better. And Perry's got the tough thing going on but I've never run across a more unintelligent leader. Good lord. (Keep in mind boys and girls, I'm a republican...) Santorum is a whiner and Cain, we'll, really? You make pizza and you want to run the country? RNC, hello? Where are you? Some used to think Huckaby would be our savior but he got the big $ fox contract and built a multi-million dollar house on the Florida coast where he can hide. Tough times for the GOP.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Perhaps the blind will never see.

Bush dug the country into the deepest hole we've ever been in since the Great Depression and yet some misguided people would still prefer a Republican, any Republican to continue his policies, it seems to the Democratic President we have now who has finally been getting the economic train back on track in spite of the many obstacles his opponents have thrown at him solely to weaken him politically without regard to the well fare of the country.

News Flash:

Unemployment is down.

The idiotic wars are finally coming to an end.

. . . If you do not see the solid progress being made then you are truly blind and I regret that with the limitations of this board, I cannot post this in Braille!

joe bloe's Avatar
Perhaps the blind will never see.

Bush dug the country into the deepest hole we've ever been in since the Great Depression and yet some misguided people would still prefer a Republican, any Republican to continue his policies, it seems to the Democratic President we have now who has finally been getting the economic train back on track in spite of the many obstacles his opponents have thrown at him solely to weaken him politically without regard to the well fare of the country.

News Flash:

Unemployment is down.

The idiotic wars are finally coming to an end.

. . . If you do not see the solid progress being made then you are truly blind and I regret that with the limitations of this board, I cannot post this in Braille!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
You're the blind one. Obama is taking us over the cliff, or at least trying to.