Mood Music

I love all different types of music, from alternative to zydeco, and it's reflected in My playlists. If it sounds good, I'm into it. I'm particularly fastinated with the different forms of jazz right now, not to mention classical, and a new favorite, country! But different strokes for different folks. What I may groove to in a session may be the opposite for My playmates. What kind of music (general or specific) do you enjoy listening to during a session?
I have been with two ladies that insisted on playing music during the session. One did it off my laptop from She logged onto her account and played what was there. The second brought her own laptop, and did her own playlist.

I have since read that some providers tell time this way. They know how long their playlists are, and know when to start winding the session down based on the music...and the guys rarely realize it.

I have really eclectic tastes. I listen to just about everything that I like, and I'm not limited to one genre of music. My playlists are mostly classic rock, but I listen to others. I have classical, country (Elvis' greatest hits), rock (Billy Joel, Chicago, Blood Sweat & Tears, Neil Diamond, Elton John), gospel, and anything else that strikes my fancy.

Since I travel a lot, I have an MP3 player, and noise canceling headphones for the planes and airports. But I also carry a portable speaker that I hook into my laptop. I love my music.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 03-28-2010, 12:33 AM

I have since read that some providers tell time this way. They know how long their playlists are, and know when to start winding the session down based on the music...and the guys rarely realize it.
Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Well I'm quite sure we all already know that is not an issue with me... I'm just sayin'...
Well I'm quite sure we all already know that is not an issue with me... I'm just sayin'... Originally Posted by luxury daphne
Comment was not directed to anyone specifically. It was just an interesting piece of trivia that I thought I'd put out there...

And yes, what Daphne said...
Iceman's Avatar
I find the music usually fades quickly into the background and I don't even notice it.
salliann's Avatar
Anything traditional Jazz. some really moody Miles, maybe so Coltrane, anything from the late 50's or early 60's. Or anything Sinatra. But thats just me!

Willen's Avatar
Generally I don't notice the music much. For what it's worth, the last time I did it was Norah Jones, which worked well.

Given how widely tastes vary, I'd recommend asking the guy if he has preferences, or things to avoid. Otherwise, choose what gets you going
marco2007's Avatar
Charles - When I was a child, one of the radio stations played gospel on Sundays and I absolutely loved it. I have no idea who the artists were. Are there any you could recommend?
Anything traditional Jazz. some really moody Miles, maybe so Coltrane, anything from the late 50's or early 60's. Or anything Sinatra. But thats just me!

Salli Originally Posted by salliann
I agree, You can't ever go wrong with some Miles and Coltrane.

I like a little bit of everything...BUT NO RAP AT ALL.
But of course my dear Ike.. what, no 50 cent to get the boys jumpin? Haha
Charles - When I was a child, one of the radio stations played gospel on Sundays and I absolutely loved it. I have no idea who the artists were. Are there any you could recommend? Originally Posted by marco2007
One of my favorites is Elvis' Ultimate Gospel album. Anything by Bill Gaither is good, too. My Dad's favorite was George Beverly Shea who traveled with Billy Graham. Hope that helps. But not sure it would work in a session...the theology is just not there. LOL
MsKristine's Avatar
I just leave the radio on, try to leave it down some, but just to give background noise. I'll change the station depending on the client, but most don't seem to care.

Now what about a game(sports) that is going on, whether on TV or Radio? Over the years I have had a few clients that know a game is going on and they want to check out the score and such. Now if I wasn't a sports fan then I would have a problem, but I love sports so I don't mind. I figure guys love 3 things: Sports, Beer, Sex why not give them 2 out of 3 heh heh. It is actually kind hot, listening to the game while pleasing someone, maybe because it reminds me of a video I saw a few years ago. I believe the couple was at a baseball game in the back row and the girl was sitting on top of the guy slightly going up and down on him. Whether or not it was real it was very erotic, so the thought of that is just well HOT!
I figure guys love 3 things: Sports, Beer, Sex why not give them 2 out of 3 heh heh. Originally Posted by MsKristine
Not much into sports. But I love escape-type movies, only not during sessions.

Beer is an acquired taste I never acquired. But I love wine (mostly whites). However, I don't drink the day of the session--at my age it affects performance.

SEX = +1!!!

So, ladies, even if you offer me 1 out of 3, I will be very happy.
DallasRain's Avatar
great suggestions everyone!!!

for the "hard sessions" I like ac/dc,Kid Rock,Nickleback,Kiss,ozzy

for the "soft sessions" I like bob marley,santana,wayne toups,james taylor,kenny g,etc