Sex in Europe - how to find a prostitute?

I will travel around Europe. And of course I need sex services.
But how to choose good prostitutes?
In bars, in the street or in hotels I do not want to choose from what is...

Any other options? where I can find girls for VIPs?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I moved your thread to the national discussion forum. Although it's fine in "another realm", you will probably find more of the answers that you are searching for here.

London Rayne's Avatar
I always work for an agency when I travel to Europe...get very few indy requests there. has tons of provider listings for that area.

It's actually much easier to score there because it's legal in many areas. You have many houses and the Red Light District in Amsterdam where it's all out in the open. Walk in, pick a girl, and presto.

It's rather hard to screen there too, which is why most go with an agency.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Prostitution is a little more open in Europe than here. Googling should give you a good idea of what is out there. Of course, Amsterdam is infamous for it's Red Light District but Germany has its fair share of brothels and all. Here's a funny story just to shed some light on Europe. I was on vacation across Europe with one of those tour groups where you go from place to place on a bus. One stop was Vienna Austria. Our hotel was a "Best Western" (of all things) just off one of the main roads. Well, it had been a long day on the bust and I wanted to stretch my legs and take a walk around the block. I start off and almost immediately start hearing some whistling noises. I think nothing of it as I'm simply trying to maintain my bearings as I being my walk. Well, I'm going down the street and the whistling gets louder and more frequent. I begin to approach this building and I notice about 3 or 4 ladies standing in the door way. This is where the whistling is coming from. I quickly realize what the situation is. I put my head down, make sure I'm on the other side of the street, and keep on walking. I probably could have had "a good time" for little money; however, none of the "ladies" were attractive with some being in their 50s or so. It wasn't until after my walk and the next day that our tour guide "warned" us about the brothel down the street.
burkalini's Avatar
Can you just walk down the street and ask the ladies " Hey are you a prostitute"? That's got to be the smartest way. Why is my face black and blue? Why do you ask?
TexTushHog's Avatar has some European coverage depending on where you are going. Coverage on World Sex Guide is more comprehensive, but not updated as frequently.

If you have specific locations, e.g. London, there may be local boards that we can point you to (e.g.
London Rayne's Avatar
Don't foget either.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I have usually found the taxicab drivers to be the best initial source of information.

Amsterdam has some of the most beautiful ladies I have found in Europe.

The places are usually upscale and cozy.

Make friends with the owner and the bartender and pretty soon you will be swimming in beautiful young girls.

I used to take a young girl home to my hotel room every night I was there and frankly I miss Amsterdam so much I may soon return.

I would stay away from those overt red light districts because those are usually only harden hookers and only looking to separate you from your money as fast as possible.
Jannisary's Avatar
Check out the it has fairly up to date information.
Debian's Avatar
Yeah, there are many countries. can be found

Yes, indeed, prostitution in Europe developed very differently.
Girls can be found on the street, in bars or in the hotel. Where you want, there is no problem.

If you have refined tastes, you can see the girls here many of them from Russia. Very beautiful and sexy, is not it?
Generally I like European girls, you will not find those here ....
Pasty Gangsta's Avatar
The Czech Republic was fertile hunting ground for me...Prague, to be specific.
FK's Avatar
  • FK
  • 12-08-2011, 11:39 PM
Captain69 as well
years ago in certain areas of Paris they would walk out grab your dick and try to lead you to their room.
Pasty Gangsta's Avatar
years ago in certain areas of Paris they would walk out grab your dick and try to lead you to their room. Originally Posted by ekim008