Provider Time Share

am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Provider Time Shares

The SD/SD discussions got me to thinking.

What about Provider Time Shares?

An arrangement where say 4 hobbiests joined together to support a lady. Each would have time with her, but time could be traded among the guys. Some of the guys might see her weekly, while another might see her once a month for extended time.

Or maybe have 4 Providers in the Time share, so if one wasn't available, another could step in to take care of things. Anyone not holding up their share of things would be dropped from the Time Share.

Too complicated to arrange? Thoughts? Ideas?
burkalini's Avatar
Hey it's a thought but are you going to trust 4 guys in this hobby enough to do that with?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Shit.. I wouldn't even begin to consider that lol.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-04-2011, 09:13 PM
I don't know any ladies with such an arrangement but I do have one friend in the Midwest who sells shares of her time. A share costs $X and equates to so much time per month. It can be used in any mutually agreeable way, or saved up for a longer weekend every few months. It seems to work for her.
London Rayne's Avatar
Hey now...I kind of like that idea. It would be like seeing John on every Monday, Slob on Wednesday and Bob on Friday lol. I'm in!
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I think it would be something the lady would set up with the guys she wanted to be fairly exclusive with. And it might suit the guy who enjoys time with one lady. Won't work for guys or gals enjoying the variety.

The UTR ladies probably have something like this going on.
shorty's Avatar
Hell No!!
burkalini's Avatar
Hey now...I kind of like that idea. It would be like seeing John on every Monday, Slob on Wednesday and Bob on Friday lol. I'm in! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Hey guys this is geat. We could see Slut on Monday, Knob on Wednesday and Blob on Friday. Personally I will trade two visits to Blob for one more visit to Knob
shorty's Avatar
Hey guys this is geat. We could see Slut on Monday, Knob on Wednesday and Blob on Friday. Personally I will trade two visits to Blob for one more visit to Knob Originally Posted by burkalini
Hey Burk! Want to do some trading? Monday is Boobs, Wednesday is Bush, and Friday is Greek!
burkalini's Avatar
Hey Burk! Want to do some trading? Monday is Boobs, Wednesday is Bush, and Friday is Greek! Originally Posted by shorty
Ok I'll only trade a Blob for a bush since I have to pick it out of my teeth. But I will trade a Slut for the butt if that's good for you.
London Rayne's Avatar
Hey guys this is geat. We could see Slut on Monday, Knob on Wednesday and Blob on Friday. Personally I will trade two visits to Blob for one more visit to Knob Originally Posted by burkalini
My high school buds always called a bj a slob and bob lol.

Personally, I don't see how this type of deal is any different than what I do now. I mean I only work like 8 days out of a month, so to some extent I am only supported by a few guys who agreed to see me lol.

I will see your "butt" and raise you two nuts.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar

Like any time share, rules would have to be in place. Certainly don't want one guy paying a couple of grand and wanting 24-7 access. But trading times as long as good communication exists.

Vacation time shares work where you have a choice of places to visit, just book in advance. It might take on the characteristics of a cathouse if a few providers participated.

With one provider, London's take seems good. Hey, save up my month of Mondays and see her for an extended time once a month. She might start refering to me as the "other time of the month" lol
shorty's Avatar
Ok I'll only trade a Blob for a bush since I have to pick it out of my teeth. But I will trade a Slut for the butt if that's good for you. Originally Posted by burkalini
Deal! Is there an instructional manual that comes with Blob and Slut?
shorty's Avatar
I will see your "butt" and raise you two nuts. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I'll raise you one dick for two tits!