CuteOldGuy has me thinking...

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  • 12-05-2011, 08:33 AM
You are an intellectual midget. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Does everyone think like this?

Do you think others are dumber than you?

My thought has always been that we all are smarter than even the smartest person in some regard.

My brother is a way better hunter than I.

My sister a much better Doctor.

You get the picture.

Do folks really think they are smarter than other folks?

I don't.

I think we are all smarter than another in something or other. It really depends on how we test.

For instance, someone retarded is actually smarter in being retarded than me. Yes I know that is not the proper phrase but I can not recall the proper phrase and I am not trying to diminish retarded folks.

So I guess the question is....Do anyone of ypou actually think you are smarter than another?

I do not. I do not think I am smarter than CuteOldGuy nor dumber.

What are ya'lls thoughts?

Any of us smarter than a 5th grader. Remember that show?
joe bloe's Avatar
Certainly everyone has strengths and weakness in intelligence. An IQ test actually measures several different kinds of intelligence and combines them to form an overall estimate of intelligence. An IQ test actually measures ability to learn.

I think differences in knowledge or expertise on specific topics are at least as important as differences in IQ. If I decide to study World War II history for several years, I may well have more knowledge on the subject than the vast majority of people that are otherwise more intelligent.

It's important to be respectfull of other people's opinions, at least being open to the possibility that they might be right, even if you are convinced they're not very bright.

Even a blind hog finds an acorn sometimes. A broken clock is right twice a day.
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  • 12-05-2011, 09:32 AM
I think differences in knowledge or expertise on specific topics are at least as important as differences in IQ. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I would tend to agree with this.

Some people IMHO, really think they are smarter than others. I have always found that thinking flawed.
In fact I would bet that the person that thinks they are the smartest person in the room and I could pick a random person roaming the mall and find a subject the mall wanderer knew more about than the self absorbed smarty pants.

Even a blind hog finds an acorn sometimes. A broken clock is right twice a day. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Not sure about the blind hog but you are spot on about the clock...unless of course it is stuck in military time. Then it is only right once a day
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Amebas are smarter than you.
joe bloe's Avatar
Amebas are smarter than you. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
You misspelled "amoebas"

That's ok, I can't spell worth beans
but I have met some stupid people that I wish I had never met.

Am I smarter than a 5th grader? I have never challenged a 5th grader on intelligence.

Does everyone think like this?

Do you think others are dumber than you?

My thought has always been that we all are smarter than even the smartest person in some regard.

My brother is a way better hunter than I.

My sister a much better Doctor.

You get the picture.

Do folks really think they are smarter than other folks?

I don't.

I think we are all smarter than another in something or other. It really depends on how we test.

For instance, someone retarded is actually smarter in being retarded than me. Yes I know that is not the proper phrase but I can not recall the proper phrase and I am not trying to diminish retarded folks.

So I guess the question is....Do anyone of ypou actually think you are smarter than another?

I do not. I do not think I am smarter than CuteOldGuy nor dumber.

What are ya'lls thoughts?

Any of us smarter than a 5th grader. Remember that show? Originally Posted by WTF
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  • 12-05-2011, 10:17 AM
Amebas are smarter than you. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
And they have a bigger dick than you and can spell better
waverunner234's Avatar
So who's the smartest?

Who has skills that outperform others?
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  • 12-05-2011, 10:22 AM
but I have met some stupid people that I wish I had never met.
Originally Posted by mikkifine
Whose fault is that? Theirs or yours?

Look, if you hadn't met those people, who knows where you might be. Maybe they taught you something. Everyone we meet shapes our world.

Had I not known TheDaliLama, I might be walking around in a robe with no drawers thinking I was cool!

Am I smarter than a 5th grader? I have never challenged a 5th grader on intelligence. Originally Posted by mikkifine
Now is your chance
More times than not, Smart People work for Intelligent People.
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  • 12-05-2011, 10:54 AM
So who's the smartest?

Who has skills that outperform others? Originally Posted by waverunner234
How do we judge.

By how much money we have?

More times than not, Smart People work for Intelligent People. Originally Posted by Jackie S
So sometimes Intelligent people work for smart people?

I guess my question is this, do you think you are smarter at everything, than any one person in the world? If you picked out what you precieved the dumbest person in the world, do you not think they would know something that you didn't and therefore be smarter than you in that field?

I think every human being in this whole wide world is smarter than me on some subject.

Therefore, I do not think I am smarter than anyone.If I am better versed on certain subjects than others, so be it but even if I was the best versed person on a certain subject, it would only be one subject. They would be smarter than me on another subject.
boardman's Avatar
That I would eventually find this thread.

Budman's Avatar

For instance, someone retarded is actually smarter in being retarded than me. Yes I know that is not the proper phrase but I can not recall the proper phrase and I am not trying to diminish retarded folks. Originally Posted by WTF
Come on WTF you're not giving yourself enough credit. I bet you could be the smartest retard on Eccie.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I've been thinking. WTF is this thread's point?

Roothead's Avatar
Brains, Intelligence, IQ, emotional intelligence, common (uncommon?) sense, street smarts, school of hard knocks, experience, success failure(s).... who really knows?

The only thing I know I is I grew up lower middle class with 2nd generation parents that did not have a college education - but who owned/ran multiple small businesses, some successful, some not, who always found a way (legal and illegal I have discovered) to feed, clothe, educate and house seven children, support them in school, sports and life, kick their a$$ when needed and who gave them all a 1st rate college education - upon graduating, we were given a watch and a few months to find a job, then told to move out on our own...

25 yrs later, both my SO and I have multiple graduate degrees and professional certifications that we have earned, but the one thing I can not take credit for was the wisdom that my father instilled in me - he assured me that there was always someone faster / stronger / smarter/ richer / better looking, than me, so I had better work harder, longer and be more persistent than others, but also be respectful, considerate and true to myself

Now, if I can only teach that to my little ones, I will consider my life to be one that was well-lived