Maybe Chelsea Can Investigate This

Iaintliein's Avatar
Now that Chelsea Clinton is working for NBC, maybe she can cut her journalistic teeth on this story.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Chelsea Clinton: "Daddy, are you a whore chasing, money grubbing socialist effete snob?"

William Jefferson Blythe: "Why, yes sweetie i am and i'm branching out into incest. Now bend over"
There is no proof that Bill Clinton ever chased after honest to goodness Whores. His preference seemed to be bar singers, trailer park queens, and fat chicks.

That reminds me of that old joke. Hillary asked a 16 year old Chelsea if she was having sex, and Chelsea answered, "not according to Daddy".
TexTushHog's Avatar
"A former MF Global employee accused former president William J. Clinton of collecting $50,000 per month through his Teneo advisory firm . . . ."

This is blatantly misleading. The fee, it turns out if you read the rest of the article, was paid to the firm, not to Clinton. Nor does it appear that Clinton has any ownership in the firm. He is apparently only on some "advisory broad." Pure horse shit.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Y'all don't believe the women who spill their guts about Cain, women who let their identities be known but you believe an anonymous accuser "who fears retribution".

What a farce.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We have maybe, just maybe, a little more evidence that Clinton was involved in MF Global. Besides, it's not the first time Clinton was involved in shady investment practices. He has a history of those.

Until now, Cain did not have a history of those, but I'll admit, I'm questioning his veracity at this point.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
We have maybe, just maybe, a little more evidence that Clinton was involved in MF Global. Besides, it's not the first time Clinton was involved in shady investment practices. He has a history of those.

Until now, Cain did not have a history of those, but I'll admit, I'm questioning his veracity at this point. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Part of an advisory board gives him no access to company money other than a check for advice. That's not the board that runs the company.
Don't you want to know the identity and motives of this accuser? Or are you just part of the decline of America you always talk about.
You show no hesitation to act like "maybe" means anything. This accuser was more involved than Clinton. He was an employee, Clinton was a contractor.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Clinton was also a liar and a swindler. Sure, I'd love to hear the whole story. It is possible that Clinton didn't know about the deal, but he knew Corzine well, and he also knew he was hired to add legitimacy to Corzine's group. He was "cover" and I think he knew that, too.